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I did not like games


I did not like when people played games with me

"Who you think took girl?" Igor asks but I barely process his words as I drive at an incriminatingly deathly speed. He didn't get it. He no longer had anything left to care about in the world. But that was how he preferred to live. I lived that way as well. Putting to the side my family attachments and risking my life. But ultimately, it was for their sake I become like that. Becoming cold, stubborn, rebellious without rationality. It was smart.

The more enemies I accumulated thought very little of family I had. Because I "didn't" either

They weren't an obvious weakness

But Dawn..that snippy little foreign girl. That annoying squeaker that eluded my usually conscious self..they like blood hounds were aware of her. And how was obvious. I'd been giving her what she wanted. What she deserved. Dinner dates, picnics, buying her gifts. Things that I figured would keep her by my side. I tried to keep an eye on her much as I could. But with the grand scheme of my lounge coming into play, I had little time to address her.

It pissed her off no doubt

She wasn't the loud type. Far from it. But when she yelled her mouth could be heard from the Siberian Mountains.

I liked- no, I loved that about that little mouse

My little mouse

My eyes darted back and forth onto crossroads, running reds and worse than imaginable. Stupid fucking license got suspended when I got locked up so I'd been avoiding driving for obvious reasons.

Fuck it all

I was heading down to the crash to get Phoebe and Ivan before any cops rallied to collect statements or whatever- they would make shit more fucking complicated.


The Irish were gone. None of those cunts escaped that plan alive except for the one who betrayed them and he was not even in the goddamn state. The voice over the Phone was no Irish accent. An American one and it made my skin crawl. My ignorance of who it could be made me even more angry

I hate having shit out of my control

Jacobe Vladkov had many many enemies. Hell a lot of those enemies were once close comrades. But I changed for the worst and they broke down after failing at doing what I could. But who. Who the FUCK would be bold enough to touch what was mine?

"Who else did you call" I crack my neck, we were getting close to the accident area. "Dima has some mercenaries coming to help." My jaw locks in horror. "Mercenaries?? What the hell am I supposed to do with those son of a bitches??!"

Mercenaries were pig heads, they are on their own contract so it leads them to doing whatever hell they feel like. I don't want them doing what they feel like I NEED them to do what I want!

"Fuck them! Where are your people?!"

"Everyone who help at Irish coup is drunk Russian who had nothing better to do that night and were getting paid to do what was in their nature. But they wont come loyally. They have no ties with Vladkov name, their surface level respect for you does not guarantee their puppet strings"

"Goddamnit!!!" I hit the wheel viciously

I'll find a crew later but now, Phoebe and Ivan

Random cars began to loiter around us, nosy mutherfuckers

"There." Igor announces

My foot pushed the pedal further down, flying past the people who stood in my way- I honked and prodded them to move. Sticking my head out of window

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