Notice Me

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This chapter is called "Notice Me" (obviously) and it basically summing up how these two feel about each other and those around them

Soft chatter sways around me as the bulky scarf protects my neck from the cold that sneaks inside from the entrance due to the students flowing in for another day of class

But I stand in front of what I would call my most formidable foe


A warm hand graces my shoulder, firmly but all the while gently pushing my out of the way

Drew silently smiling adjusts my locker for me and opens it with ease, I chuckle but try to hide my blush as its been close to month since we've last interacted. I missed him but is that weird to say? I barely knew him

"Well hello stranger" I say with hope he felt the same

"Ahh now don't be like that girl! September was football season and the guys needed me so I hadn't had anytime for personal affairs" Drew pouts cutely giving me his best puppy dog eyes and I had to admit it was just about the cutest thing

I hum teasing like I was jumping around in thought to forgive him or not "I'm sorry so pleeaaseee be nice"

Phoebe being a Cheerleader also called her in from our friend time but I couldn't be upset. I didn't get the big idea about sports teams but that lays outside of my realm of not being rooted anywhere.

"I may only forgive you because you have done this favor for me" I stuff the rest of my belongings in and for once since I've come to this school, Drew lingers and its very strange that he isn't being pulled away by Natasha who by the way- I still can't stand. Who knows why the bitch doesn't like me. And I don't normally call anyone names but she asks for it time and time again.

"I see that you're let off your leash today" Drew smiles genuinely and thankfully not finding my joke offensive.

"I'm sorry about Nat, she's a nice girl when you get to know her" Yeah and Trump is a good president

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