If The World Was Us (A UsUk Fanfic)

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*Dedicated to America and Britain

Prologue-Like A Star

Dear Diary,

The world really is a crazy place. My dreams have come true. Well all except one. There’s one dream I still wish to achieve.

Most people would say, how could that be? How could there be anything greater than being a country? How could there be more you want when you’re one of the biggest and strongest countries on the planet? Well I’m here to say that no matter how big someone seems when you look inside their heart there’s something aching there. Something they hide from the world.

So what am I hiding? I’ll never tell for the things I wish for are still buried within me. They are just waiting to shoot across the sky like a shooting star. Like a star I will one day show my true colors. The colors no one has ever seen before.

The world is an amazing place. I’m still waiting for my last dream to come true. When it does I can become what I always dreamed of. Become someone worthy of being called a hero. Someone who shined brighter than the brightest star.

I just hope when that day comes someone will be watching. Someone important to me. Someone who I once called hero. The biggest star in the night sky.



As I closed the diary I stuffed it away in my drawer. If anybody was to read what I had written I would be so embarrassed that my face would light up like Christmas lights. I could never let that happen. They would never let me live it down.

That’s why I always had Tony guard it for me. Tony was always in charge of all my things while I was away. He’d definitely scare off anybody I know. I sighed as I looked outside through my window.

The sun shined brightly in rays down on the ground and I could hear the birds chirping. I opened the window and felt the breeze on my face. I smiled and let the breeze cool me down as I went to go start my day.

I have been up for about an hour and usually by this time I was ready to have some fun. I walked outside my house with a bag of donuts in my hand. I began to eat them one by one as I walked down the street. The more I walked I began to realize my skin seemed different. What was up with me?

So no one around me would notice I turned around and began to walk home but the closer I got to it the closer someone else was approaching me. I tried to avoid the gaze of everybody else by looking down but because I wasn’t looking where I was going I bumped into the one closest to me. He staggered backward and I looked into bright green eyes. He was angry at first as he cursed under his breath but he was instantly shocked as his gaze turned to me.

“America…?” he asked.

“Well this is my country after all so yeah it’s me.” I replied.

“Oh right.” he answered.

“So what are you doing here anyways Britain?” I asked him, curious.

“I just came for a visit is that so wrong?” he asked me, seemingly defending his case.

“Whatever. I gotta go. Later,” I told him as I walked passed him and toward my house and waved back.

“Hey America!” he yelled at me.

I didn’t both looking back I just kept walking. I didn’t want him to see me distraught as I was. I opened the door to my house and looked at myself in the mirror. My worst nightmares were coming true. Soon no one would see me anymore.

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