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( one month later )

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( one month later )

It's funny how your entire life can change in the matter of a few moments. Just a month ago, I was questioning if I even still wanted to be a part of this earth, then here comes Rod, saving me. He was what some may say as the light at the end of the tunnel. I felt as though I owed him my life.

As I sat across the table from him, I took a moment to admire him, and all of his features. He was gorgeous.

"You drooling over me more than that steak right in front of you." He snapped me out of my thoughts. I was embarrassed that I got caught basically undressing him with my eyes, but I couldn't help myself.

"I'm sorry about that." I put my head down in shame.

"It's cool ma." He grinned, showing off his dimples.

We talked through our lunch together, getting to know each other a little more. He seemed so down to earth, leaving me to wonder how he even got so caught up in such a dangerous occupation. Even though I barely knew the man in front of me, I still cared about his well being. Being that he did everything he did for me, the least I could be, was concerned.


"As I crawled on top of his bed, my mind was racing 1000 miles per minute." I knew he wanted something. Nothing in this world was free. At least there was something I learned from my mother.

Sliding my hand into his boxers, I whipped out his thick rod that was standing in full attention.

I opened my mouth, placing him inside of it. I bobbed my head up and down, coating him in my saliva.

"Ahhhhh, shit." Rod moaned biting his lips, not even opening his eyes yet.

I continued to suck, pleasing him in his sleep.

"What the fuck?! Delilah, what the hell you doing?" He sat up, making me flinch at the sound of his now raised voice. "Are you crazy?" He scrunched his eyebrows.

"What do you mean? No man is going to just take you in, without getting something in return." I wiped my mouth looking up at him.

"Look man, I don't know what you used to, but this ain't me. I ain't here to use you, I'm here to help you." He barked.

I felt low, stupid, and somehow I found myself feeling like a whore. Here I was, sucking a man up, who didn't even want the shit, but genuinely just to help.

"I-I'm sorry." I said as I ran to the guest bedroom I had been sleeping in.

The pillow was soaked, from the tears I let escape my eyes.

"Yo Delilah." I heard Rod outside the door.

"Just, go away." I sniffled.

The door opened, revealing him shirtless with a pair of grey sweats.

"I promise ma, I'm not here to hurt nor use you. As I've told you before, you a beautiful girl. I don't want you to feel like you owe me for lending a helping hand. Especially not with with sex. You gotta love yourself ma. I know this what you used to, but this really ain't you." He said before closing the door.

Things were a little awkward after that, but I thanked Rod for not bringing it up.

I was working on myself daily, trying to move on from my past, but giving myself away sexually was all I knew.

Losing my virginity at 12, and performing sexual activities on numerous men on the daily to help my mom, was what I grew accustomed to. I guess I just had to get familiarized with my NEW life.

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