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One Month Later...

"But everything I tell you be for your own safety, but yo ass don't listen." Rod yelled in Delilah's face.

Going against his word, she had found a job at a small boutique around the way. She wasn't making much, but something was always better than nothing.

"What's so unsafe about me working? You work. Why do I have to stay cooped up in your house all day, waiting on your return?" She replied, plopping down on the bed.

"You don't know who's out there. For all you know, your mom could stroll into that mother fucker." He shook his head. He wanted nothing but to protect Delilah, and her carelessness was bothering him. Why'd she even need a job, if he could give her everything she needed?

"Well, she hasn't, so why you even worried about it?" She rolled her eyes, ready to drop the conversation.

"You calling them today, you ain't going to work no more." He said walking out of the room.

"That'll be $95.87." Delilah rung up her first customer of the day. She didn't mind working here, because when it wasn't busy, she got the chance to look at clothes all day long.

"Can I talk to you for a second?" Delilah's manager pulled her to the side.

"Am I in trouble?" She raised a brow. She had just gotten the job, and she didn't want to lose it.

She chuckled at Delilah's nervousness. "No girl. I just wanted to tell you, for a newbie, you're doing an incredible job. We've never had someone with such a good attitude. Keep it up, and you'll be promoted in no time."

Delilah smiled. A promotion sounded nice. She knew that would give her the extra dollars she needed to do what she wanted to do.

She thought about moving out of Rod's place, when she had enough money to do so. Frowning at the thought, she started thinking about Rod. She didn't want to be dependent on a man, but something about him made her not want to have to leave his place. Although things were rocky right now, she still enjoyed his company. She'd be forever grateful for him taking her in and treating her with nothing but respect.

"They want to promote me soon." Delilah told Rod upon walking into the house.

Still upset, she was given no response.

"Did you hear me?" She asked again, putting her hand on her hips.

"Yeah I heard you. What you want me to say?" He asked walking past her and up the stairs.

"What's your fucking problem?" She ran up the stairs behind him.

Still no response, making her get ticked off by the minute. "Fuck you then Rod." She screamed going into the bathroom.

She sat on the toilet, thinking to herself. A part of her understood where he was coming from, but she still had a life of her own to live. She didn't want to be under anybody's control. She was old enough to make her own decisions, and if she fell along the way, she was sure she could pick herself back up.

Getting into the garden tub, Delilah got in it and laid down. She could have went into the guest bedroom that she once slept in, but she thought against it. She curled into a ball, getting cozy in the tub. After a couple of minutes of thinking to herself, she found herself nodding off to sleep.

Feeling around the bed, Rod noticed that Delilah still wasn't next to him. He had slept off the anger, and was wondering where she could be. He got out of the bed, and looked all over the other rooms, and the kitchen, not able to spot her. He went outside, hopping into his car, and drove all over the city looking for her.

"Fuck!" He punched the stirring wheel, and headed back to the house, deciding she would show up sooner or later, and when she did, he'd have a mouthful for her for going out in the middle of the night by her self, or so he thought.

Feeling the urge to pee, Rod slowly rose out of bed, heading to his bathroom.

He turned on the light, and saw Delilah laying in the tub with only a towel over her arms.

"This girl is crazy." He said to himself before scooping her small frame up in his arms, and carrying her to the bed.

After peeing, he crawled back into the bed, and pulled her body into his. He loved having her sleep next to him. The feeling of her not being beside him, wasn't right.

"Everything I say to you, is just because I care about you. I don't want you to have to go through no shit like you used to. I'm here for you. I don't want you out her working ma, you to cute to even lift a finger. This shit scary, how I'm feeling. Nigga only met you a while ago, and I don't say this often, but a nigga might love yo stubborn ass." He spoke into Delilah's ear, before placing a kiss on the back of her neck.

He closed his eyes, deciding to join her in a night's rest.

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