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That was definitely her. Nicolas said out loud to him self seeing that no one else was around. After all the years of searching and praying, he had finally came in contact with his one and only daughter. He was so shocked the day he saw her live in the flesh, that it took a double take to even realize it was her standing before his eyes.

She was the spitting image of her mother, Marge when she was around that age. He shook his head. How could someone so fucked up in the head, create something so beautiful?

Not having the courage to part his lips and speak to Delilah, Nicolas was left with so many questions. He wondered how she was doing in life. If she had a job. Where her and Marge were resting their heads.

He felt broken, that he had missed so much of his little girl's life. The ball wasn't in his court when it came to that situation, so it wasn't much he could have done.

He planned to make up for lost times, but first, he had to find her.

Knowing Marge, she probably never even mentioned his name to Delilah.

A single tear rolled down Nicolas's face. The love he had for Delilah upon first sight was too much for words in them self to even explain, and to have that snatched away from you, was a feeling like no other. There was no day that passed by that he wasn't praying over her. He asked God to protect her, and always keep her life in his hands. He knew for a fact with Marge being an addict, there wasn't too much good that could possibly be going on in her life. He hoped that Marge was treating Delilah with love and care, but from the way she acted when she was just a baby, he didn't know if that was the case.

He quickly pulled himself together. He realized that he had to be strong. Finding Delilah was his only mission. This time, he was determined to leave with her, although she was grown now, he still wanted her to be protected. If he had to put up a fight, he would. It wasn't fair that he was separated from her for so long against his own will.

He pulled out the mini picture he had of Delilah when she was first born from his wallet. It was his prized possession. He looked at the picture, wishing he could somehow just go back in time, and relive the past in a different way. He had missed all the important things in her life. Her first step, her first words, all of her birthdays, and plenty other things he regretted not being there for.

A father was supposed to be an image of what a girl should look for when chasing love, and Nicolas couldn't even be that. He shook his head at the thought of Delilah ever being mistreated by a man.

His daughter was more than beautiful in his eyes, and he hoped she knew her worth. He thought highly of her, to him, she deserved nothing but the best.

Little did he know, for almost half of Delilah's life, she had been mistreated by several guys. It wasn't her choice to have to sleep with all those men for her mother's benefit, but just like her father, Marge had forced her to do things she didn't want to against her own will. Even when Delilah's virginity was taken from her, Marge didn't see any wrong, as long as she was getting her high for the night, everything was cool.

Delilah couldn't bring herself to hate her mom, but she did feel as though she was an unfit mother to any child, and she was going to do a much better job if God one day blessed her to carry one of her own.

Nicolas decided it was time he continued his journey of finding his daughter, he was so close he could almost smell it. Seeing her the other day just put hope in his heart that one day, they'd be reunited again, for once and for all.

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