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It was another day at the boutique, and Delilah's day was moving by rather quickly. She had just an hour left before it was time for her to go home.

Looking up from the register, Delilah spotted the man who she'd seen not so long ago, when she had taken a walk in the neighborhood by herself. He was staring at her, which made her feel rather uncomfortable. She decided to walk over, and see if he needed any help.

"Hi, sir is there any specific style you're looking for?" She looked the man up and down, trying to take in what he was already wearing to see if she could find something of his taste for him.

"Actually, that's not what I'm here for Delilah.." He said, making her wonder how in the hell he knew her name if they didn't even wear name tags here.

"Um, excuse me sir, but do I know you from somewhere?" She raised her brow, feeling kind of scared.

"Marge.. That name ring a bell to you?" He asked, already knowing the answer.

"I'm sorry sir, but I'd rather not release any personal information, to a complete stranger. If I could help you, just let me know." She begin to walk off before the man spoke again.

"I never thought I'd find you." He shook his head as his eyes began to get glossy.

"Who are you?" She asked, ready to get the hell out of here, not knowing this man's motive.

"My name is Nicolas.. I'm your father." He admitted.

She didn't know how to feel about this information, how would she even know if it's true?

"Listen sir, I don't know who you are, or what's going on, but I refuse to believe that some random person is my father. I haven't had one of those, and if you don't mind, I think it's too late for one anyways." She snapped.

"Listen Delilah, this is just as hard for me, as it is for you. I've been searching for you." He began fiddling with his wallet.

Pulling out the picture he kept of Delilah, he quickly showed it to her. "Man, I haven't seen you since you were this little." He wiped a tear from his eye. "You are your mom's twin now."

Delilah took a look at the man, still trying to process what he was telling her. He had to be someone, to be carrying around a picture of her. All this time, she didn't know if her father was dead, or if her mother even knew who her father was in the first place, due to the many men she'd had sexual encounters with.

"That picture, means nothing. Who's to say that baby is even me?" She tested him, she knew it was her, she'd seen pictures just like it, scattered in her mother's bedroom drawer.

"How would I know your birthday's January 28th, or that your middle name is Sophia? Or that small birthmark, right on the bottom of your back?" He questioned her. Everything he was saying right now, was nothing but the truth. No one knew about the birthmark, not even her own mother.

Taking one last look at the man, Delilah was letting everything marinate in her mind. This was crazy, and she didn't know what to say. Walking off, Delilah went to the back of the store.

"Um, I'm not feeling so well, can I just go home?" Delilah asked her manager.

"Sure sweetie, you only have a few minutes left. Try to feel better." She gave her a warm smile, before Delilah walked past the man, and out the door.

Walking into Rod's house, Delilah ran straight upstairs, kicking her shoes off, and plopping on the bed.

Tears streamed down her face, soaking her pillow in the process. All these years went by, and she didn't know someone was out there, who was indeed her dad.

She didn't know how to feel. She'd grown up, without that role in her life. She had so many questions that needed answers.

"You okay?" Rod walked into the room, hearing her light sniffles.

She got off the bed, and walked over to him, wrapping her arms around his body, she needed to be held on to.

She stayed in his arms for a little, allowing herself to calm down. She didn't understand why she felt so emotional about this.

"You wanna talk to me?" Rod looked into her eyes. He didn't like to see her like this, and he was hoping no one had hurt her.

"He found me." She said, still trying to pull herself together.

"He who?" Rod was confused.

"My... my father." She said in between sniffles.

Rod thought to himself. Being Marge's dealer once upon a time, he always knew her for having several men around, so he basically thought Delilah was a crack baby. What they both didn't know, was before Marge got hooked, she lived a normal life, she had a husband, and then came Delilah.

"Damn shorty." Was all he could find himself saying.

He walked into the bathroom, and begin drawing Delilah a nice warm bath. He filled the tub up with water, and bubbles.

"Come here." He instructed Delilah.

She walked into the bathroom, and saw the tub, filled with a nice bath for her.

"Try to relax for me." He said, before helping her strip out of her clothes. He tried his hardest not to take too many glances at her body, but she was perfect.

He scooped her body up, and placed her down in the water.

"If you need anything, I'll be right in the bedroom." He told her.

"Wait Rod..." She looked at him.

"Wassup?" He walked back over.

"Could you get in with me?" She asked with puppy dog eyes.

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