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"Oooh, right there Rod, don't stop."
"Oh yes, yes this pussy is yours."

I smiled as I woke up to the sound of Delilah moaning my name in her sleep. I knew I had been putting in work, but she was literally craving my shit.

I decided to wake her up the way she needed to be waken up, and slowly creeped my head under the covers, lucky for me we both fell asleep with nothing on after a long night of love making.

She shifted around in her sleep as i flicked my tongue over her clit. I sped up my pace, causing her quiet snores to be replaced with heavy breathing.

"Mmm.." She began pushing my head, as she woke up, looking down at me.

I gave her eye contact as I feasted on her like breakfast in bed.

"Good morning beautiful." I said in between licks.

"Fuck Rod, I'm about to cum." She threw her head back, letting all of her juices escape her body into my mouth. I licked it all up before wiping my beard.

She smiled at me as she tried her best to catch her breath.

"Thank you. But I thought you were...." She cut her sentence short, looking confused.

"In them guts?" I finished for her, causing myself and her to chuckle.

"Wow, that's embarrassing." She giggled.

"Get dressed." I said tapping her on the ass as she headed to the shower to pick something out to wear.

"Where we headed?" She asked looking back at me.

"Just put on some jeans and a tshirt." I told her. I was taking her to the mall so I could splurge on her a little bit.

Walking in the mall hand in hand, I allowed Delilah to grab any and everything she wanted. Money wasn't a thing, so I had no problem sharing mine with her.

"These are so pretty." She eyed a pair of shoes. "Nope." She chuckled looking at the price tag and putting them back.

"I told you, get whatever it is you want, fuck the price." I grabbed the shoes.

"But Rod, $500 for one pair of heels is crazy. We don't even go out like that." She took them from my hands putting them back again. I rolled my eyes, but deep down I was glad she wasn't a materialistic type girl. I knew she wasn't money hungry like the rest of these bitches.

She started scanning the store more, and as I lost her attention, I went back over to the pair of heels, grabbing them and rushing to the counter to purchase them before she could even notice.

"I think I've done enough shopping today." She said before we headed to the food court.

"What you wanna eat bae? Whatever you want I got you." I said scanning all of the restaurants.

"Hmm... I kinda want chinese, but then again, pizza sounds good." She licked her lips as she tried to make a decision.

"Well fuck it, get both. Whatever you don't eat, I'll finish." I smiled. "But I'ma go get some wings and fries." I walked over to the chicken place.

We both got our food, and sat at a table, making small talk as we both stuffed our faces. We'd been at the mall a little over 3 hours, and a nigga was kinda tired.

"Well, If it isn't Rod and his little lost puppy." Me and Delilah looked up hearing the voice of none other than Brenda.

"The name's Delilah, since I see you have bad memory." Delilah rolled her eyes, clearly frustrated with the run in.

"I don't think your name really matters, seeing you're with MY man." Brenda turned her nose up, her delusions were in fact funny.

"Watch your mouth." I said looking in her direction. "I'm here with my girl, this "your man" shit gotta stop, cause at this point you looking foolish." I barked.

"Baby, when you gone get over that shit in the past so we can move on?" She whined putting her hand on her hip.

Delilah chocked on her food trying her best to hold in a laugh.

"Excuse me, but what made you even think to walk over here? Whatever y'all had clearly ended way before I even stepped in the picture. Do yourself, or better yet all of us a favor, and walk away." Delilah said before taking another bite of her pizza.

"I think Rod is man enough to speak for himself, or has hanging around you turned him into a bitch also?" Brenda sneered making Delilah hop up from her seat.

"Bae, chill, she ain't even worth it." I also stood up, holding Delilah back from putting her hands on this girl in public. She was too classy for this anyways.

"I don't know what you not understanding, but gone bout ya business." I told her.

"You don't even mean that, Rod. I know you still have feelings for me." Brenda pouted.

I wrapped my arms around Delilah's waist, before pulling her into a kiss. I sucked on her tongue, and licked around her lips before pulling back.

"The only feelings I got, is for this girl right here." I kissed her cheek.

Brenda finally got the memo, and stormed off, looking furious, but I didn't care. I had the girl I wanted right here.

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