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Waking up to the sound of his phone ringing, Rod squinted his sleepy eyes at the unfamiliar number. He hesitated before picking up and answering.

"Hello?" The phone was silent for a moment before the person spoke.


"Who is this? It's 1 in the morning." His raspy voice spoke.

"Where's Delilah? I know she's with you." The woman questioned.

"Marge?" Rod sat up in the bed, and slowly got out, careful not to wake Delilah. He walked into the guest bedroom, hoping Delilah wouldn't feel the empty spot in the bed.

"Yes. It's Marge."

"Wait, how'd you get my number?" Rod scrunched his eyebrows, trying to figure out why Marge had the audacity to even reach out to him.

"Did you forget you used to sell to me?" Marge spoke into the phone. "Now back to what I called you for, how's Delilah?" She asked again.

"Your daughter's always in good hands with me, but honestly, that's none of your business, seeing as to how you never gave a fuck about her anyways." Rod spat. He felt anger growing inside of him.

Hearing Marge sniffle, he instantly began to feel bad about his harsh choice of words, but he knew not to feel sympathy for the woman who tried to break the female he had fallen madly in love with.

"I know I made some mistakes in the past, but I've grown from them. I haven't held a glass pipe in over a month. I love my daughter, and I want nothing but the best for her. I know she hates me, but I want to correct the wrong I did. Because of me, I know she doesn't look at men the same. I want to apologize to her. I'm in rehab, and it would be a blessing if you'd deliver the message to her, and maybe one day you can bring her here to see her mother." Marge let out a sigh. "That's all I want."

Rod thought about Delilah and her pregnancy. He heard everything Marge was saying, but he knew how Delilah felt towards her mother. Even mentioning her name to Delilah could possibly bring on extra stress that she didn't need right now, he wouldn't risk it.

"Marge, that's not even a good idea right now. I'm proud of you for wanting to change, but you had your chance to do right, and like I said you fucked it up, deal with the consequences." Rod said. "Maybe one day, Delilah will have it in her heart to forgive you, but it just ain't the right timing." He hung up the phone.

Laying down on the guest bed, Rod looked up at the ceiling, thinking about the conversation he'd just had. Was he wrong for not wanting to tell Delilah?

After about 30 minutes of hard thought about whether or not he should tell Delilah the news about her mother being in rehab, Rod drifted off to sleep.


Delilah crept out of bed, and looked around the room, noticing Rod was no longer beside her.

She tip toed to the guest bedroom, where she found Rod knocked out.

Her mind was racing. "Did I make him upset or something?" She thought to herself.

Making her way back to their bedroom, she sat on the bed, thinking.

She couldn't remember anything wrong, so she was trying her hardest to figure out why he left her alone in the middle of the night.

Walking back to the guest room, she woke Rod out of his sleep.

"What's wrong baby, what you crying for?" Rod looked confused as to why Delilah had tears forming in her eyes. "You feel okay?"

"You left me alone. I'm sorry for whatever I did to make you sleep in here, but could you come back to bed?" She sniffled.

Rod looked confused, and then it dawned on him that he must have fell asleep after speaking with Marge.

He instantly felt guilty that he was holding information back from Delilah.

"You didn't do anything baby, I just accidentally fell asleep after handling something." He lied.

Delilah raised a brow. "Handling what?" She questioned.

"Just some business, you don't need to worry about." Rod was hoping they would drop the conversation, because he knew the more they talked about it, the more it would go in the wrong direction.

"Whatever business you got going on is my business, if it's effecting my sleep." Delilah felt herself growing angry. Why was he hiding stuff from her? Why couldn't the business he had get handled in their room?

"Baby calm down, it ain't nothing like that." Rod sighed, he knew how her attitude could get when she was upset, and he didn't want to fight with her.

"I'm calm, but I hope you didn't go back on your word, and get back in the game. We have a baby on the way, did you forget that?" She yelled.

"Who said anything about getting back in the game man? Just calm down, you over thinking shit." He softly spoke.

"So again I ask, what business?" She spoke in his face.

"I just had a call. That's it." He told half the truth.

"A call that you had to have away from me?" Delilah began to think the worst. She hoped he wasn't cheating on her.

"Man, please stop with that assuming shit aight. You need to chill, you gone stress yourself out."

"No! YOU'RE going to stress me out. Now tell me, who were you on the phone with? One of your hoes?" Delilah's voice began to shake.

"Please Delilah, ain't nobody got no hoes. I told you, I got who I wanted." He said honestly.

"Then let me see your phone." Delilah stuck her hand out.

"Let's just please go to sleep." Rod was getting annoyed, but he knew not to go back and forth with a pregnant woman. He knew they were sensitive and anything you say would always be flipped and taken the wrong way.

"Wow. I can't believe you're sneaking around my back. I can't even see your phone." She crossed her arms.

"Delilah, I'm just trying to do what's best for you. Some things you just need to let me worry about." Rod tried to wrap his arm around her body, but she quickly snatched away.

"Doing what's best for me how? By lying in my fucking face?" She raised her voice and felt tears coming again.


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