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"Rod, what are we doing here?" I raised my eyebrow as a sense of uneasiness swept through my body and my stomach began to feel queasy.

"This is where it all began." Rod said as he pointed to the spot where my life changed forever. The road where Rod had found me the day I ran away from home.

"And you brought me back?" I didn't know where he was going with this, or why he thought it was a good idea to bring me back. I hoped he wasn't planning on leaving me where he found me.

"Relax." He placed his hand on my arm, and the simple gesture eased my mind just a little.

"You know I love you right?" He looked in my eyes. Yes, I was highly aware of the love Rod had for me. I could tell by the way he treated me, how he cared for me. Hell, I could see it in his eyes at this very moment.

"Yes, Rod, I love you too." I answered honestly.

"How much do you love me?" He questioned.

"Rod, I love you more than words can explain. You mean the world to me. I love the way you talk, the way you smell, the way you walk." I smiled. "I love you enough to let my guard down from the hurt I carried on my shoulders for so long. You're the man of my dreams."

He nodded his head up and down, and grinned as if my words were music to his ears.

"Delilah, I brought you here today, because I wanted to remind you of where it all began. Not only was your life effected the day I found you here, but mine was as well. You changed my life, girl. For the better. Never in a million years, did I think I'd find the girl I wanna spend the rest of my life with right here." He pointed to the spot where I laid out the day he saved my life.

I felt tears well up in my eyes as I thought about how much that very moment impacted me. There I was, once the most troubled girl known to human kind. I was used, abused and clueless about how my life ended up that way.

But here I was today, not knowing the last time I cried myself to sleep. I can't remember the last time I went to sleep hungry or even worried about anything. Rod had taken care of me from day one, and kept his promise to never let me feel hurt again.

I wrapped my arms around his neck, and let his arms find their way around my waist as we held on to each other.

"Thank you." I whispered in his ear.

He broke apart from the embrace before getting down on one knee.

"Rod." I covered my mouth as more tears flowed freely.

"Delilah, I love you. As many flaws as you think you have, I find you to be perfect. I love everything about you. I knew from the day I found you that you were the one. You've always been beautiful to me, inside and out. I wonder each and every day how I got to be the one lucky enough to get you out of your situation. You mean the world to me. I don't want to spend not even a second apart from you. You make me the happiest man alive." A tear slid down his face. "Would you do me the honor of marrying me?" He reached into his pocket and pulled out a velvet box. When the lid opened I was even more shocked than I already was that he was even doing this.


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"Rod." Was the only word I managed to get out of my mouth before I broke down in tears.

This was the happiest moment of my life, and also the most unexpected.

"So what do you say?" Rod looked up at me, and flashed that smile of his that I loved so much.

Not being able to speak, I shook my head up and down rapidly as he slid the ring on my shaky hand.

"I love you girl." He said as he got up from the ground and scooped me into his arms, spinning me around in the air.

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