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It's my off day, so I had time to play w/ y'all lil emotions 🤣🤣


- Nicolas -

After getting a call from Delilah about how she was feeling, I rushed to the address she'd texted me, but not before stopping by a local CVS and picking her up a pregnancy test.

It felt weird that my baby girl, may be getting ready to have a baby.

Knocking on the door, I waited until she answered.

I could see something was bothering her as soon as she opened the door, and I spotted the dried up tears on her cheeks, and how red her eyes were.

"You okay? Just let me know whatever it is, and I'm here for you babygirl." I pulled her into a tight hold. I instantly felt my daddy instincts coming on, and I wanted nothing more than to be her comforter.

"I.. I don't know what's going on daddy. Rod.. he uh, left for work, and he hasn't came back. And its not like him to not even send a text or call." She cried hysterically.

I wasn't a dummy, and I knew that being in this house, Rod had to be working illegally. I wasn't the one to judge, so as long as he kept what he did in the streets far away from my daughter, we had no problem.

"Just relax." I patted her on the back. "He's in God's hands, so I'm sure he's just fine." I kissed her forehead. She took a deep breath before trying to sit on the couch, but I stopped her, handing her the CVS bag.

"We're about to find out the REAL reason you round here sick and throwing up." I shook my head. To me, Delilah would always be my little girl, so the thought that she was possibly carrying a child, made me feel some type of way.

She looked at the pregnancy test, then at me. Her face had guilt all on it, and I let out a slight chuckle.

"Girl we both know you was having sex, so ain't even no point in looking at me like that." I told her before she walked into the bathroom.

A few minutes later, I heard sniffling coming from the bathroom, letting me know that my assumption was correct.

The door creaked open. Delilah peeked out.

"Sooo?" I asked, still trying to play like I didn't already know.

"You're gonna be a grand father." She began crying into my chest, but I knew they weren't tears of joy.

"I just don't want to bring a child into this world and I don't even have the best life of my own. I don't want to be like mommy." She broke down crying, which instantly broke my heart.

Her phone began ringing, not even allowing me to respond to what she had just said.

A smile spread across her face as she began talking more.

"Okay I'm on the way." She spoke into the phone.

"I love you too." She hung up.

"Where is he?" I asked, knowing that Rod was the person whom she'd been speaking to.

"St. Kenny's Hospital." She told me as she threw on a jacket that was laying on the couch.

"So why were you smiling again?" I questioned.

"I was just happy to know that he's alright. And he said some other stuff too." She grinned, but I knew not to ask any further questions.


I was rushed to the hospital after being grazed by the bullet. The nigga had no aim at all, so what was probably supposed to be a chest shot, ended up being a slight arm shot.

I honestly don't even know why I was being rushed to the hospital as if I was on my death bed, but somebody nosy around must have witnessed what happened and called an ambulance. Since I did have quite a bit of blood spilling out of my arm.

As far as the nigga who shot me, I had one of the boys at the trap to handle that.

I must have dropped my phone somewhere, so I wasn't able to call Delilah right away and let her know that I wouldn't be right home to her. I made sure to use the hospital's phone as soon as possible to reach out to her.

I looked up as Delilah and her father walked into my room.

Delilah immediately ran up to the bed, jumping into my lap. "Awh, baby, I was so scared. I love you so much." She cried into the crook of my neck.

Just then, my decision to quit the game, made me feel even better. Things could have went extremely left today, but by the grace of God, I was still here. The feeling I got, let me know that I had a purpose to be here. I felt like that purpose was Delilah.


As I held onto Rod, I was having a debate in my mind on telling him the news. I knew today had been a long day for him, so I thought against it, deciding it'd be best to just let it wait.

I was nervous. I didn't know how Rod would respond to me being pregnant. After all, we both were unprepared in my mind.

"Delilah, I'll let you two get some alone time, so you can tell him." My dad spoke up, making me suck my teeth. Why'd he have to say something?

"Tell me what?" Rod sat up more in the bed, giving me his undivided attention.

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