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"So, you're serious? Your mom's in rehab?" Nicolas asked Delilah as they sat in his living room, having a conversation.

"Yeah, I'm assuming she finally realized it's time she get her act together." Delilah took a deep sigh.

Knowing that this was a touchy subject for the both of them, Nicolas wrapped his arms around his daughter, pulling her into a tight hug.

"D, I know this is hard for you, shit it's hard for me too. I love... loved you mother, but sometimes, that's not enough. I know you probably ask yourself why you were never good enough for her to love you in return, just as I do, but we just gotta keep praying for her." He kissed his daughter on the forehead.

Letting tears fall from her eyes, Delilah laid her face in her father's chest. "Do you think I should be there for her? You know, after all she's done?"

"Baby girl, God forgives each and every one of us for our sins, so I think you should be able to forgive your mother for all she's done. Don't you think that she needs you right now?"

"She probably does. But, where was she when I needed her? Where is she now? I'm carrying a baby, and I can't even call my mother and ask her for tips, go shopping for stuff with her, like a normal mother and daughter relationship goes." Delilah wiped the remainder of her tears.

"You can always fix that. It's never too late to make things right with her." Nicolas looked at Delilah before making a request. "How about we go see her together, now?"


"We're here to see Marge." Nicolas spoke to the woman behind the desk at the Rehabilitation center.

"She's in her room now, you guys made perfect timing." Giving them the room number and location, the receptionist let Delilah and her father on their way.

So many thoughts were running through Delilah's head as they got closer and closer to her mother's room. Her stomach was in knots, and she felt as though she may fall out. The last visit she had with her mom, wasn't a very good one. She didn't know what she was in for, but she was willing to take a leap of faith. She was hoping to see a slight change in her mother.

Knocking on the door, Delilah told her father to come in a little later. So she could have an alone conversation with her mother.

"Come in." She heard Marge speak through the door.

Jumping up in shock, Marge ran over to Delilah, taking her daughter into her arms. The moment lasted a little longer than expected. "Oh Delilah, I never expected to see you so soon." A tear fell from Marge's eyes as she was excited to see her daughter after these long months without her.

"Mom, you look..... better." Delilah spoke. Looking over her mother, she could tell she'd been clean for a minute. Her hair was washed, and straightened. Her face was fuller, and she didn't look so thrown away.

"I feel better D. All those years I was using drugs, as an escape from reality. Now that I've come to a realization that life isn't easy, I've dealt with those problems I had mentally, and I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulder." Marge admitted.

"Mom, I'm proud of you.. I really am, but I have to ask you... Why'd you do the things you did? What was going on so bad, that you had to chose that life? You lost all the people you love, for something so meaningless." Delilah felt herself getting emotional thinking of all the things they'd been through, but she refused to let herself continue to shed tears about the situation.

"I guess the best answer for your question, is fear. Sometimes fear can stand in your way, and cloud your vision in some ways. I never learned the right way to love, so I was afraid of it. When I fell in love with your father, I didn't know what to do with myself. I was afraid I'd lose him one day, so when you came along, I was scared we'd lose the bond we shared. I was scared I'd end up like my mother, who did the same thing I did to you. But I found myself turning into her day after day, and fear bought me to drugs." Marge let out a deep breath. "Drugs made me feel like I didn't have to be afraid any more, but little did I know, with those drugs, came effects, that I didn't know would shatter my way of thinking. When me and your father split, my addiction got worse. My anger built up, and I blamed you for everything that happened. Baby, it wasn't your fault, but the drugs played tricks on my mind, and told me to make you suffer for everything I caused on my own." By the end of her speaking, her and Delilah's faces were covered in tears.

"Ma... through everything, I loved you. I still do. I just hate I had to miss out on a regular life. I hate that everything had to be this way." Delilah fell into her mother's arms.

"I truly am sorry, for everything. I understand why you wouldn't want anything to do with me after everything I put you through. I want to change. I want to make things better, please give me the chance." Marge spoke again.

"I forgive you." Delilah cried. "It's going to take time to repair things, but I'm willing to give it a try. I need my mother more now than anything." Delilah decided against telling her mother about the pregnancy right now, but she knew she wanted her mother to be apart of her child's life when the day would come. Forgiving her mother and moving on, would be the first step in her growing up, and showing that she could create a better life for her kid, than she had. Delilah never met her grandmother, but she knew she wanted her kids to have theirs. "Please don't disappoint me." Delilah looked at her mother.

"Trust me baby, I promise that life is dead to me. You mean more to me than the drugs. I love you, and I hate myself for ruining your early life." Marge meant everything that she said.

Listening from outside, Nicolas decided now was a great time to make his entrance.

"N-Nicolas?" Marge asked her former lover. It had been over 19 years since they'd last laid eyes on each other. She felt like a high school girl all over again as butterflies filled her stomach. After all these years, he was still as fine as ever.

"Marge... How are you?" He asked, genuinely concerned about her well being.

Smiling, Marge answered the question. "I'm feeling like things are going to start to fall in place. I couldn't ask to be any better."

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