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"Holly Hemmings," I said to myself that night, lying next to Luke.

"Sounds good," he winked. His arms snaked around my waist, nuzzling into my neck, his bare body pressing against mine. "I don't want to leave," Luke said into my neck.

"What? Leave New York, or leave my...neck crevice?" I asked. He burst out in laughter at my reply. "Neck crevice?! What even is that?" he soon became breathless and had to steady himself, "God, you make me laugh."

I stared at him, "I didn't think it was that funny, but okay."

He laughed softly again and said, "I don't want to leave New York, but I really don't want to leave your Neck Crevice, either." He kissed my neck and placed his hand on my thigh. "At least when we get back home, we will get to have a rest from all the travelling and will get to sleep in our own beds and stuff," I said.

"But I don't miss home. I don't miss England at all," he said.

"Why not? I guess I do a little bit, but England is a little boring..."

"No, it's not because England is boring, it's because.. I feel at home with you. You are my home, that's why I think I don't miss it," he replied softly. My heart fluttered at his reply, "That is the cutest thing, Luke."

When we got back in England, I decided to see Zoe. I hadn't seen her in ages, and Luke hadn't seen the boys either, so we went to their shared house. I guessed that Zoe would have been with Michael at the boys' house, instead of being at home alone all the time.

"I've missed you so much!" I said to Zoe, throwing my arms around her.

"Have you two had a nice time?" she asked me, "You need to tell me everything." I pulled the ring out of my pocket and showed her. "He proposed!" I squealed. The boys all turned around and Luke grinned, blushing slightly. "Yes Luke!" Ashton said, throwing his arm around his shoulder. "Nice one," Calum winked. Michael patted Luke on the back before looking at Zoe and saying, "Don't be expecting anything." I jokingly punched him on the arm, "Hey! Don't be like that."

"It was a joke, a jooookeee!" he said. Zoe shook her head and rolled her eyes.

"How come you aren't wearing the ring?" Zoe asked me, as we sipped tea. Luke looked over and raised his eyebrows slightly, going red. "Uhh," I looked back at Luke, to see whether I could tell her or not. He shrugged and I turned to Zoe, "It doesn't fit.. but we're getting it changed!" I said.

Michael turned to me, "What. The ring doesn't fit?"

"Uh, no? But we're going to sort it."

"Luke you idiot," Michael laughed, giving him a nuggie. Luke went red, pushing Michael off, and I sat next to him.

"But it doesn't matter," I put my hand on his thigh and rubbed it.

"It does," he muttered.

"It doesn't honestly, I really don't mind."

"But I mind, I fucked that one up really bad, didn't I? I always do that, this was really special- really important, and I FUCKED it up," he stood up. "Excuse me."

"Luke?" I stood up to go after him, "Luke wait!"

He slammed the bedroom door shut, in my face, with such anger and force. I sat outside, leaning against the door. It took me a minute or so to go in, I didn't want to upset him further. I knocked gently and opened the door.

"Luke?" I walked in. He was sat on the end of the bed with his head in his hands. I sat next to him silently. After a minute, I put my arm around him, resting my head in his shoulder. "Baby, it doesn't matter, honestly. I know that you're annoyed with yourself, but it doesn't matter. I don't mind it was actually quite cute. At least it wasn't a boring proposal, the fact that it didn't fit added a bit of excitement to it, you know? Just please don't beat yourself up about it." I kissed his cheek, and pressed my face against the side of his. He sighed heavily and replied sourly, "I'm still annoyed with myself." I rolled my eyes at him. He was over-reacting quite a bit; this wasn't like Luke. "Don't be! It really doesn't matter!" I said. He shook his head, "Wish I hadn't proposed in the first place. Wish I'd just left it."

"Wow, well thanks," I replied, slightly hurt.

"I didn't mean that in any offence to you!"

"But you just said you regretted proposing to me, Luke."

"Because of the problem with the ring, not because I don't want to marry you," he said.

"Yeah, but you still said you wished we weren't engaged.." I replied, really pissed off.

"But I didn't mean it like that! I mean I wish I didn't mess it up, Jesus!" He shouted, standing up. "Look, you're making such a deal out of nothing, Luke. I told you that it was okay, yet you don't listen to me. You're making such a fuss and being really dramatic, it. doesn't. matter. What do I have to do to make you see that it doesn't matter?!" I shouted. I was so tired of arguing.

"It does matter! It was a special moment, which I messed up, can't you see that? I'm surprised that you're not bothered by it!"

"Well, I wasn't bothered by it- but now I am! I'm bothered by it, because you're getting angry. I understand why you're angry with yourself, but it was still the best day of my life and I wouldn't change a thing about it. Even if you'd proposed without a ring, I still would have said yes. I still would be in love with you. And it would STILL be the best day of my life."

"Where's the ring?" he asked.

"In my pocket," I replied.

"Can I have it?"


"Please. Just give it to me," he said. I sighed and handed it to him. He out in his coat and walked out. "Where are you going?" I asked. He ignored me and got in his car. "Luke??" I asked. But he drove off without saying anything.

"Asshole," I sighed, going back inside.

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