The Young Plauvendure

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Chap 2
The Young Plauvendure

At first,as a former Hermia,Seya is bewildered and tries to deny that this is her new world.
A world with a tinged of fantasy and an otome game to toppled it up.
But she is very realistic now.
And she's become young and beautiful too.On top of that her flawless skin and elegant purple eyes makes her really happy.Her straight silver hair is like her own doll back when she was a kid makes her smile.
Who will not take this new her happily?
She's accepting it very well.

She is Seya Plauvendure,5 years old. A very haughty and sarcastic youth who thinks of herself as someone special. She even thinks of her as equals to the royalties.
Because they do,actually,has a blood of a royalty and it become a reason why no one can discipline her.Her father is a prime minister and her mother is a princess of a neighboring country. Her grandfather is the King and her grandmother is a queen.

Well,now that she is also Hermia,she can not act the same.

She might be well off too in the past(as Hermia) but never as haughty before.
She's very dutifully and act accordingly.

" it really alright to eat this?"
Keisha is one of my maid.
She is aware of the very selfish attitude of her employer that one day she just changes drastically that puzzle everyone in the household.

"It's fine,it's fine.Taste it. I didn't put anything there so don't be suspicious." Seya pouts her lips.

Truth be told, Keisha was with Seya when she made those cookies so Keisha knows that the cookie is not just okay but exquisitely done!
Seya also used all the expensive ingredients like it's nothing,so how can she,Keisha,a mere maid eat this?

"Still not eating?"
Seya ate a mouthful.
"See...There's no poiso---wow! This is brilliant. I know I'm good but this is amazing.Hehe..It's all thanks to the expensive ingredients huh.The difference is always the ingredients!" She happily exclaim to herself.

Keisha looks at Seya and can't help but smile.
With all encouragement(From Seya), she ate the cookie and behold!
Her eyes widen as the cookie slowly melted in her lips,the cookie is simply too good.

"Wow..Amazing." Her face is blushing for happiness as Keisha looks at Seya.

Seya laugh and puff her chest.
"Where is my praises?"

Keisha nods.
"Amazing,Miss.This is great~no,the best I've ever tasted!"

Seya grinned hearing what she wants to hear.

"Then,let's bake more!"

Keisha nods.

In a spur of the moment,the two unintentionally,in their high fervor, bake more than what is necessary.
The two look at the mountain of cookies.
It's delicious,though,it's not the point.



"I'm very happy that I made alot for everyone in the manor!"

Delighted with the excuse she thought of, she smiles and her eyes sparkles.

"Uh-" Keisha nods when she understands what she means.

"But with everyone..Will I take some for the gardener and the horse keeper?"

"Oh yes ofcourse.And give more to Micheal.He still lives in the orphanage.I will be delighted to gift them some and tell him to praise me when he meets me.He always shrunk whenever I talk to him,it's disheartening."

Keisha nods.
But ofcourse,she understands.

Who wouldn't have shrunk infront of a Plauvendure,young miss?

She happily pack the cookie in a cute packaging Seya prepared herself.
She only took some for her brother,father and mother and took off.
Keisha is her maid but the young miss always gone off alone this past few days that Keisha never bother qsking if she has to follow her.


Who would disturb Iris Plauvendure in this hour?
Everyone knew that he is studying hard for his exam so no one not even his parent will disturb him.
But ofcourse,this knocking won't stop unless he acknowledges the person outside.

"Seya...Your brother is slaving himself and studying." Iris lazily reply not moving away from his desk.

"Brother,I will gift you a cookie and nothing else."

The cutely voice with a hint of impatience is sounded rather good in his ear.
He must know when to stop(studying).
He let go of his pen and walks to the door.
His cute younger sister is pouting heavily outside but immediately smile when she sees him.
Iris sighs.

"Come in,then."

"Oh no,no.I'm only here to deliver this.I got carried away and made alot,now I'm gifting it to the whole manor.But my brother's share has bits of chocolates."

Iris smiles as he receive the cookies.It was wrapped nicely.His sister might act weird sometimes but she's very feminine at times too.

"Thank you.You've been spoiling  me."

"Oh no,no.It's only natural to favor a handsome and seriously lovable and charming older brother.I'm very,very lucky to become Seya."

Iris smiles conflicted how to answer an honest compliment from his beloved sister.
He,Iris,never been close to Seya.
Seya is selfish and she always throw tantrums, pissing him off/irritates him alot.
He distances himself to her.

But lately, Seya doesn't cause any trouble or throw a tantrum and finally she ,Seya, crosses the bridge and destroys the wall between them.
She become well behave and thoughful.

Often times that she praise him and shower him with extra attention. He become really close to her not only because of the praises.
And he stops being irritated with her. He likes her company and glad to have her beside him.This changes really is appreciated by the whole family.But somehow,their father misses the selfishness of Seya and her attachment to her father.
This very awkward father.

A/N :
My phone's battery really suffers when I'm making a story..hmmm...sad..
Anyways,I'm still having fun so I'll make a next chap..wahahaha. Having fun is why I'm doing this too. :D

Rewriting some parts...

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