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Chap 5


I have nothing to do so I went to the library.

I know we are rich but I didn't understand the purpose of buying too much books and just putting it on the shelves like decoration or it is just me thinking they are decoration because I am not as smart as the rest of the family?

Did anyone really read all these books?

I bring enough snacks with me and water.

I know that my maid is telling me to rely on them but simply bringing your own food is not heroic and it's very natural for me.I'm not this dependent type.

So,here I am.

I intend to hole up here!
They might not know but the language this world used is generally English. And ofcourse, their books will be in English,so a former college student like me can read these books with ease.

Oh,now I remember,why is that nobody is teaching me how to write? I'm five people! It's logical to instill knowledge at young age.

Well,let's read.
Oh,is this a fantasy book?
As I read....the f*cking book says a theory d*amn it!
The title of the book is : Introduction of Magic.

My head muddled.
I close the book and eat.
After that I look for another book.
And I swear,I can't believe that this library contains magic-magic in every corner.

"Young Miss,the master ask if you want to eat with him?"
Keisha ask.

Keisha almost scream when she saw me looking dumbfounded.

"Wha-what happen?"

"The book says magic-magic-magic!!"

"Oh,it's because master likes to read about magic theories.Well,you are a noble so perhaps that's normal."

"Hmp.Is that a noble fetish?"

"Noble fetish? Well,nobles are the only people who can use magic..but well,rarely there are some children with great potential.Do you know that Michael can also sense magic? He might become a magician.Isn't that cool?"

Seya opened her mouth and forgot how to close it.
What,magic is true?

"Does father knows how to use magic?"

"Why,ofcourse!! Your father is one of the best magician in the country.Huh..why are you glaring young miss? Young miss wait for me!"

Seya runs.
It's a rare occurrence that Seya will run. Even before,Seya doesn't like running.

"Father! Tell me about magic!"

"Eh? Oh Seya. I heard you are reading in the library."

"Yes.Yes.I heard magic existed!"

"Well,huh? Yeah it does.I often tells you a story about your grandmother and grandfather right?"

"Huh? Grandfather and mother?"

"The story about how they killed an evil dragon."

"That is grandmother and grandfather story?"

"Ofcourse."Zeal says proudly.

Seya is lost for words.
"So,how can one learn how to use magic?"

Zeal smiles.
"At school,a teacher will release your seal and guide you what to do.You cannot just started doing it on your own.There's alot of discomfort at first but eventually it will be just like breathing air."

'Hmp.You don't know this but in my previous world,magic is use to just entertain and misguided people. But here,magic existed.How can you expect a bumpkin like me to just sit here and miss the opportunity?'

This is supposedly an otome game but the game only tackles about the love story of the heroine and the capture targets,there are some point where they show magic but  it's very minimal that I didn't remember it all since my knowledge only comes from a source-Mia.

That night,I told my father that I don't want to be disturb.No one is allowed to disturb me for three nights.
Ofcourse my father is suspicious but I told him to respect my selfishness.
Hearing that,my father feels this selfishness is very acceptable than before and approved.

I make preparation.
I stuff my room with food to last me for 3 whole days and nights.Water,tapes,bandage and clean clothes and a metal stick with a sharp pointy end.
Why tapes? I tape all the opening in my room except the window.

I followed everything on the book.I moved my bed far away.
I draw a big circle.I feel like more than magic,I might be becoming a witch huh.
I draw huge star at the center of the circle.Put clear crystal cylinder at each corner.
Now,it's complete.
The book says that I have to remain in the center of the circle.Stab my palm and fill the star drawing of my blood and wait for the crystals reaction.
After knowing my affinity. I have to open my mediator.Every affinity has a different mediator.
Mediator is the link to absorb magic in the body.If its open,magic can enter the body freely and the body can use magic like air.

The problem is the stabbing part.
Every certain body part will have to be stabbed in a coordinated pattern and  when stabbed, the subject of the ritual will feel an extorting pain for a short period of time.

But I want magic!

I definitely want it.

Now not later.

And my nightmares begins.

"Dear,do you think she is not doing anything dangerous?" Marie asks worried.
It's the second night when their daughter announce seclusion.
"Dangerous? In our house?" Zeal only shrugged his shoulder and sigh. He hugs his wife.
"You worry too much."

"But I keep feeling like she is in alot of pain.I can't help feeling weird." Marie brushes him off.Her face shown a troubled face.

"Should I talk to her?"

"I already tried.I went there and ask her but I heard nothing in response.The thing that scares me is that,I heard nothing.Not even movement!"

That scares Zeal.
He stood up.
"Are you sure?"

Marie nods.
"Go there.Break the door if you have to."

"Fine.I'm really curious too...Wait...are you sure,maybe she's already asleep tonight."

"Right.I don't want to disturb her also.Then in the morning,force her out okay." Marie says worriedly.


A/N :
Geez...It's night right now..
Don't scare me self.
I'm imagining a crime scene. Harhar

Rereading this and the shame is getting back to me. Wahhahaha

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