Too much

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Chap 11
Too much

I dunno but It's comfortable for me but Jazzer seems sleepless last night.

"You never make any move last night.Is it too crowded?The bed?"

Jazzer frozen for a while and then he shake his head.

"I....I just don't want to wake you up,Young miss."

"Don't restrain yourself,it's your own bed."

He makes a very troubled face.

~Don Charlone Plauvendure~

"Is there something wrong?"

I find Jazzer in the dining area frozen and in dazed.

He twitch and look at me.

"I can talk to Seya about your trauma if she makes you uncomfortable."

I pity this grandkid of mine.

He shake his head and then went in dazed again.

"If she doesn't trouble you,why are you so out of place?"

"S-sorry Master.."

"I'm not lecturing you..Where is Seya,anyways?"

"Young Miss is out for a run.She said training her body comes first.She'll be back before your lesson starts."

"She should wait for me.I want to eat breakfast with her."

"Um...Master..About Young Miss.."


"Did...did you teach her seduction?"


I throw up the tea that I'm savoring.



My Granddaughter is only 5.

"Jazzer...I didn't even teach you how..How would I teach a five years old?" I sigh.
What is he saying.

"But....all she says..."

"Hm? What kind of conversation are you talking about?"

"Everytime...she suggests me to make a move at her..."


"Like don't restrain yourself,don't bottle it up,do what you want,I'm just here,I do like your body heat and so on and so port....I'm starting to think that I can do what I want..."

"NO! She doesn't mean it that way and if you touch her,her brother and father will kill you."

"I know that she's innocent(?) but sometimes it's too much." He has an eye of a dead fish.

"Sorry for too much stimulus."

"Master,young miss,she has no fiancé yet right?"

"Oh.yep.She's only FIVE you know."

"If I become a distinguish magician..I'll become an important person for the country right?"


"Then,that can make me appropriate."

"Hey appropriate? What do you mea---"

"Grandfather,Good morning.Are we starting class now?"

Before I can stop Jazzer on his wild imagination, my sweating but still charming granddaughter appear.

She went near Jazzer and drink from his cup.
My poor disciple reddened.

"Your sweating.." He whisper.

"Next time run with me.It's lonely without you.Hey you have a fever,you want me to cool your body?"

I'm shocked.
The conversation!!
What kind of conversation is this?!
Is she seducing him? Is she? Is she?

~Zeal Plauvendure~

"Your highness?!"

"My son fancy your daughter,Zeal.I never seen my son liking someone to the point of hunger strike."

"His highness is still on his hunger strike huh?"
Zeal is also worried.Five days ago when the prince went home after an ambush.He told me about his intention(marrying Seya) but I told him off.
I don't want to marry off my daughter. If I don't have a choice,I'll marry her.

"I won't marry her to anyone not even to my son,what more to someone else."
I really won't marry her to anyone.She's my little angel.

"Your affection to your daughter is so alarming,aren't your wife troubled?"

"My wife says I'm a good father!"

"Zeal Plauvendure..." The King look at me with a dismay.

"She's only 5,your highness.."I pout.

" We are just engaging them..."

"....i dont want too...."


"I will talk with my wife again..I hope I can change her mind completely."

".......should I talk to Marie instead?" The king look at me troubled shaking his head.

"Mr.Zeal Plauvendure! Father in law!"

I look at this detestable youth.

"Don't call me father-in-law your highness."

"Can I visit my future wife in grandfather's place?"

"...." I want to eliminate him from this world.

Crown Prince Detrio smirk.
He can see the displeasure in Zeal's face. Father and daughter are the same huh.

"I just want to give her sweets and deepen our relationship. The sooner,the better."

"Your highness is very thoughtful."

I hate this crown prince now.

I think my grandfather is putting me and Jazzer apart or something like that.
I have my own room now.
After a month of sleeping together with Jazzer.He finally shout at me and tell me off.
I realize that Jazzer has not sleep much,huh.I'm sorry.
And my training and his are done separately these days that I rarely see him.
Right now,we are going to a town nearby. Brookside town.
I feel like I know this place.
And when I met that person,I remember this humble place huh...
This is the first town that is shown in otome game-Mia,my sister in former life-often tells me how beautiful this town as if it's real.The heroine's home town!!

Leticia Morphell!

I look around.
I can't believe that I'm here.
It's really beautiful and alot of people living in harmony.
Will I see her?
I realize that I can't really move away from the otome game even though I'm living my life differently.
But I won't become the fiancé of the stupid prince so there is no enmity against us,right?
So it's fine to meet her,right?

"I'll be going inside,what do you want to do? Will you come with me inside the shop or stay here in the carriage?"

I look around.

"I'll go with you."
I don't want to stay alone here.
I might die from boredome.

When I step outside the carriage,tge first person I met is not Leticia Morphell but Andrew Morphell.The heroine's older brother!

Wheew thanks for reading and voting.
I'm easily move so..
Keep it up to us. Haha.

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