A shy boy

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Chap 9
A shy boy

I dunno.
Maybe because originally,the world I got reincarnated to was an otome game so I have my stupi---fateful meeting with the main hero -Crown Prince Detrio.
Well,I don't appreciate the service though.
Yeah-yeah it made my heart pound like crazy but after awhile I got really piss off!
That guy is a bad news.
And in the game,that guy is going to break off our 'engagement' and exile me! Can you believe that? It's not my problem though. Like I will follow him around like a loyal dog. Hmp! Get married and have a million kid,see if i care.

"Young Miss,we arrive in town."

"Oh let me s---"


"Um..Young Miss,this is the nearest town. It might look shabby but you can find all your necessity here.Further is the Plauvendure Villa where great Master live."

I nod.
But the excitement I felt died down.I slowly went back to my carriage.
I tried to erase the empty and devoid town I saw a moment ago.
I started cursing Detrio again in my head to pass time.

"Halt! Halt!"

I heard the head guard voice and felt when the carriage stops moving.
Are we here yet?

I open the curtain of my carriage only to see a small white haired hamster!
I'm exaggerating ofcourse.
A cute red eyed child devoid of emotion is staring infront of my carriage,he won't move huh.
His messy long hair is swaying in the air.
So dreamy.
He feels like the protector of the empty town.

"Young Master Jazzer."

My guards salute to him one by one.He just nod.
Hum? Who is this young master?
I went out of the carriage.

"Good day sir jazzer." I bow at him.

His stoic face that devoid of emotion panics.

"YOUNG MISS!! Wha-why are you bowing to me? I wouldn't dare accept your courtesy!" He shouted at me.

'Hmm...I just got carried away.But how cute. Detrio should learn from Michael and this Jazzer.A child should act cute!'

"Hm?! Who is he again?" I whisper to my guard.

The guard whisper back , "Your relative,young miss.He is an orphan now and being cared by Great Master."

'Hmmm...I see..'

"Um..Young Miss,I heard from Master that you are going to study under him.So we will become fellow students..I-I waited in town to guide you..You..You don't mind?"

'Oh~cuteness overload...And the face I thought devoid of emotion flustered.'

"Let's talk to the carriage.Come Young master Jazzer."

"Eh? You-you don't have to call me young master anymore.I-I don't have that status.And-and riding a carriage with young miss is...."

"Oh..I will keep calling you young master if you keep calling me young miss.We are relative you know.Our blood and family name is the same(probably)."

He look at me smiling.

We ride the carriage.
Uh~ so cute.
I sit next to him.
He felt uneasy and put some distance.

'Child. What are you so afraid of? I'm only 5 years old.5 years old! A 5 year old girl has no seductive charm yet..'

But seeing how uneasy Jazzer was,the playful side of her just can't resist the temptation and hug Jazzer tightly.
Jazzer stiffened ---rather,he froze.

"How old are you,young master Jazzer?"

"......Can you move?" He said with pleading eye.

I'll ignore that cute round eye first.

"You look like hmm...6-7?"

"Wha---I'm already 10!"

"Ten? But you look smaller for ten years old."

Or is it just because Detrio is huge for a ten year old?
It's my fault for using that alienoid bastard as a reference.

"I-I look smaller but my muscles are tough!" He puff his chest acting tough.


"May I touch to feel?"

His eyes widen. Disbelief is written in his whole face. Hehe.
His face redden and his mouth hanged open.

With my two hand that I raise in the air.I grope his shoulder to his prided chest. Uh---
His heart is thumping like crazy.
I look at him and he stares back.
His eyes is wavering and tears forming in his clouded eyes.

"YOUR A MEANIE!" He shout at me pushing my hands away. He clutch his clothes hiding his trouble heart.

'I become a lolicon! Great...Good thing I'm in a body of a child or else I'll be sued.And this kid is a relative? Eh-eh-...'

"Why are you crying...I-I'm just confirming if it's really tough as you imply..Maybe you are lying to me.See your face says you are lying!"
I have to put the blame to him somehow. I still have to preserve the dignity of Plauvendure House...(if possible.)

Jazzer gasp.
Look at me with resolute face.
But-his eyes that has tears running down don't give justice to this determined look.
What now?

"I-I'm telling the truth. My muscles are tough.Master even tells me that my physical strength is higher than my peers.."

'Give it up.I'm just finding fault at you.I won't admit that I just want to tease you and it felt good in the end.'

"....." Mad.
He strips.
Showing me his bare chest.
Gawd,if someone sees us will I get caught or him?

"W-what now? Why are you stripping? You think I'm scared?"
'Kid,put your clothes on.This 5 year old infront of you is actually an elder lady that become a weird and dangerous lolicon.Yah! I don't want to get in jail.'

"Touch and feel. My muscles are great!"

I wanna cry.
This is becoming more dangerous..

I sigh.

"What? You don't want to?"

I look at him.
His face has tears,is red and flustered. His so innocent.

I smile.

"Fine.But If I find out your lying I will call you chicken."

He nods.
His so easy to manipulate.
Gawd,I hope he doesn't offer himself like this to others.

My physical examination lasted for an hour.
Jazzer is like a molested maiden.
He's strength left him.
It's just me touching his skin but he made a weird noise that makes me worry----is he really a male or a female.I wanted to grab his pants to make sure but he might die or he might kill himself if I did that.
Somehow this being molester has a root.

Jazzer and I got stunned when we saw Grandfather molestering a huge tits female in the front lawn of all places.
The guards politely lined up and cover the view infront of us.

Good.I'm feeling that someday,I'll become as shameless as that one.
Please don't!

A/N :
I know my limit but....should I add #mature and #potentialcriminal ??? Hahaha

I Reincarnated in Otome Game but I Don't Care (Indefinitely Onhold)Where stories live. Discover now