Weird duo

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Chap 14
Weird duo

I am still in the middle of the forest.And I'm doing basically what I'm doing since I enter the forest but---

"Young lady Seya~ It's time to eat~"

What can I say?
I apparently gain a "maid" in the forest.

"The menu today is a stew horned rabbit,young lady has caught.Later I am thinking of roasting the bear meat I marinated last night,ofcourse the bear is also from young lady's effort in hunting."

"Why do you sound like you are reporting? Come and eat."

But damn--her skills in cooking is top notch.
Even better than in the restaurant. So even though I don't want companion (since they slow me down) ,I can't shooed her away.
I'm more benefited here too.
At morning we do our separate ways and do what we want.But she will cook for me three times a day.

"The emerald meat ball your looking for.How's it going?"

She look downcast.

"Still no progress... Maybe it's really a wishful thinking."

"Hey.I did say that at one point but aren't you looking for it because of your fiancé's mom? Keep it up.You'll never know."

"Yes.Thank you for your lame encouragement. It might be lame but I feel slightly moved."

This brat!

Oh..Ollie is a young lady of a distinguished family but she refuse to say which.So I didn't disclosed mine too.

"Your magic is really nice.If you tell the ministry in magic it'll be a huge uproar."

"Hmm..changing topic huh..It's a good choice when the topic turn in a bad dead end."

"Damn you."

I did enjoy her company and her sharp tongue.In the capital we can never talk like this but she says that she talks like that all the time.
Oh-she is already a ten years old gal.I wonder why everyone is ten and I'm five.

"Why did you disrupted my practice?" I ask one day.

"Seya...some strange guys are nearby.When I'm using a robin to scout the are.I saw two strange guys and next thing I know the connection from the bird disappear.It's either it's dead or someone forcefully cut off our bind."

"I see....some perverts huh."


And we end up seeking for them.
It's out of curiosity.
Please don't judge me and Ollie.
We might be a rowdy bunch but we are still ojou-sama's if you know what I mean.

"What are we doing peeking?"
Ollie has a horrified expression.Desperately hiding her face except her eyes.
I look at her and give her a disgusted look.

A handsome clown in a butler clothes and a loli guy in lady's clothing--what do you call this---tramp? Trump?
Is this story going to have another hashtag? #BL?
Makes me excited----err---worry..Yes.Makes me worry.

"What are they doing?"
We are desperately whispering while giggling and screaming silently.
" BL's coming?"
We both have sick hobbies.
Please don't judge us.
We are part of the community where Moe is important than moral.

"Clade...It seems we are being watch.."
The sick looking loli boy stops the hand of the butler that is undressing him.

Clade smile.Half of his face has a make up for a clown.
It's a hobby.
But though weird his exemptional appearance cannot be hidden by weird half "mask" of a clown(smiling face).

"Isn't this what making them squeal? They think young master body is beautiful."

He touch the bare skin and kiss it.

"Stop it Clade!" Owen flinch by the touch and the unexpected kiss.

The two intruding lady scream or rather squeal passionately like they are being rape.(is this still okay?as the heroine's character slowly but surely being destroyed at tender age?)

"Haha.Sorry master.I just can't resist the temptation."

Another exaggerated squeal.And now,the two lady didn't bother hiding and openly look at them as if a play is happening infront of them.
This makes Owen sigh.

"My name is Owen Stellar.May I know both of your names?"

"Mind your own business! BL is a woman's romance!"
The two lady has a displeased tone.
That shock Owen and makes Clade laugh loud.
Owen already says his name and still didn't receive the acknowledgement as the prince?

"Wait----Stellar? " the heroine finally realize?

"Yes.Owen Stellar." Owen has an understanding knowingly smile.

"The same surname as the fucking idiot.." And the bombshell has just been drop.Owen look terrible and Ollie who realize her blunder kneel to the prince and almost use a deadly uppercut to the uncalled for remarks of Seya.

"Pardon,your highness does not have such relative who is an idiot." Clade cough twice and smile professionally.

"Oh..Don't mind me.I'm talking about your elder brother,who stole my first kiss.That fuck is an enigma.If you ever want to revolt and snatch the country under his wing I will be your first supporter.My name is Seya Plauvendure,your highness the second prince,Owen Stellar."

"Ehhhh.Seya's first kiss...To the crown p-prince?" Ollie shake violently.

"Huh? What? You want to kiss that frog? I advise you not or he will curse you."

"You really have guts Seya! You know,at school,no one antagonize the Crown Prince and no one can.Not only is he handsome,he is also the moat talented!"

"You've been scam." Seya hmp at her.

" is the most dreamy."

"Huh? Ollie! Take that back! My brother,who is in the same grade, Iris Plauvendure is the most dreamy guy on the planet.He is so perfect I want to hide him at home for my own enjoyme----err---his nothing like that fraud!"

"Eh--I admit that Mr.Iris is really off the chart but to say that he is better than the prince---"

"Say it or we walk different path from now on." Seya has this gloomy 'say more and we are over.'

"Clade,they are ignoring us?" Owen says downcasted.

"Should I kiss you to make them look again?"

" are enjoying this?"

"Sorry your highness,for me you are the most handsome so I kinda get agitated."

"......stop this.You are embarrassing me more."

Another character?
Goodluck me.
Hmm..I kinda think that I'm destroying your char Seya.But it's fun messing with your unstable character.
Another chap done.

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