A happy life

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Chapter 50
(Finally at my 50th chapter.Thank you for still reading and for understanding at my faults and wrongs. Million thanks. <3 )

Seya's P.O.V

Lust almost overtook my senses.
I forgot I'm in the presence.
And here is my dear Detrio being stupid again.

"I won't leave you or kill you.Because you will fight for the throne for our future family." I said as I cup hia cheeks.
His eyes watered.
He leans ans kiss me.

And then he nods.
"I will,if that's what you want me to do."

I can't let anyone take the kingship.
If it's Owen then that's alright.But I don't want to put him on the spot and Ollie is already pregnant (ollie: I said I'm not.).
I don't want the throne really.
But It can't be help.

"But a King with only one wife...."

"That is your problem? Then I will gave birth to Seven healthy Sons! Are you happy now!".

" Really?"

Please do not be too happy.
I'm not a pig so I can't givr birth with seven kids in one go.Do you expect me to give birth every single year?

"If only that's possible." The King look at me.
But there's a hint of teasing.

Ah,I hate him.
He is looking at my flat chested breast isn't he!
Do not underestimated glat chested woman!

"I can if I say I can!"

"Seya." Father look at me.

"Father,believe me."

"Seven little Seya.." He mumbles.

"If it's seven sons then it's seven little Detrio." The King says to father.

Father flinch.
"If it's not seven little Seya then I won't agree!" He declares.

My mouth is already wide open and it starting to hurts.

"Y-you bastards wants me to give birth to 14 kids!! Am I still human in your eyes!" I exploded.

"14 kids.I will sure work hard to provide for them." Detrio kiss my hand.
And that is settled.

The King shut up the royalties and the nobles after declaring that I will bore 14 children for the Crown.
I really want to eliminated them all and wipe them out.

I was laughed by Wesly and Ollie.Even Clade.
I hope not all of my friends laughs at me.

"I think,there's some who feels at loss.Because you are officially marrying the Crown Prince." Aster says.
I visit him and Lawrence.
Lawrence can do minimal things like sitting on the bed and chewing on his own.
But he can easily get tired.
Aster's been very patient with him.
It's a good brotherly love.

I....Want to see Lawrence regaining his strength then push Aster in the bed then *bleep* his *bleep* and then they will *bleep* and *bleep*.

"Seya?" Aster.

"S-sorry.I drool."

"That always happen when you visit us.Is there anything you want to eat.I will prepare it for you."


Or,Aster pretends to be a good gurdian but deep in his heart he wanted to touch Lawrence.
Then one night Aster lost his patience when he see him peeing alone with all his might.

'I told you to call me if you want to pee '

I Reincarnated in Otome Game but I Don't Care (Indefinitely Onhold)Where stories live. Discover now