My daughter

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Chap 3
My daughter

~Zeal Plauvendure~

My name is Zeal Plauvendure,36 years old,I am the closest aide of the King Oliver Stellar,the Prime Minister.
I have a loving wife,she's a princess from a neighboring country.I have done alot just to become his husband,my sorrow.
But in the end,our love prevails!
I have a very cute and charming son,his name is Iris.
I chase alot of people out when they started to fair my son to their daughters,nieces and granddaughters.Eventually, he will go out and find his partner but I would never let him experience my pain when my family started to politically engaged me. And beside,he's too young.
I also have a beautiful daughter,though she has a very mean personality..I love her with all my heart.
It just pains me that she become somehow.....arrogant.

It's also because I let her visit our relatives.
Those self centered nobles that thinks very highly of themselves.
Alot of our servants, complains about her abuses that pains me to the core. My wife cries softly at night,greatly blames herself.
It double pains my heart but I can't force myself to punish my only daughter.

I am to blame.

When my son,Iris,started to hate his sister is what bothers me.

No one...will protect her someday  if something happens to us,their parents.

It really weighs on my mind how I can change her now that she is still small.

Our plan is to bring her to a remote province.Let her experience the life of the orphan and tranquil life.
We are dead serious this time,but whenever we are about to do it,our heart tighten.

To send her away,in her tender age? How can we do it?
We decided to delay it..
When she turns 5, something worse happen.

In a party where we invite our family relatives and only close friends,my daughter, Seya, acts arrogantly and belittle our servant.
It created a huge commotion.
The Princes are also there and I'm really embarrassed!
I resolved myself,she will be living away.
My wife cried and plead me but I steel myself.
That morning,as we are waiting for her and tell her what is going to happen.A well behave daughter approaches me.

She kisses and hugs me.

Tell me that my hair is really neat,that I look handsome and I look hot~

Yes.That is effective.

Praises melt my heart and that angelic smile she gaves me, weaken the strength I thought I created firmly.

I,in the end,didn't send her away.
My wife is also happy about the changes.
Her daughter become attach to her more and it is really heartwarming.

But her misdeeds cannot be overlook.

I told her to apologize to our horse keeper's son,Micheal.

I thought she will never consent because she hates commoner in a certain degree but she obliged to my surprise.

She actually is bewildered when I told her what she have done as if she doesn't remember doing it all.

She apologize with tears in her eyes and hugs the frozen Micheal.
For then on,she make sure that Michael is alright and satisfied.
I am really happy about this.

Becoming a cheerful lady is more appreciated and in this way,she may find real people that will help her someday.

I am just worried about her relationship with her brother.
When he comes home from a school break,he shuts himself in his room.
I want to tell him how Seya changes but he won't listen when the topic become Seya.
He has this look of disapproval.

But later on,I often hear that Seya is with her beloved brother.
When did it turns too intimate?

Iris is a very handsome child but he rarely smile from the bottom of his heart,he always wore a business-like smile that it creeps the hell out of  me.

But when I tried spying on them,he wear this rarely seen smile infront of his sister.

Ah,atleast they are becoming close.

I am happy.Very happy.

But my popularity to my daughter really takes a turn because of her brother,huh..

"Geez,you always says that." My wife often laughs at me being jealous to my own son.

But this is fine.
This is what a happy family suppose to look like.

I want to cry sometimes,being this fortunate,did I save some God before?

Is all I could muster when I look at the stars above.

"What do you have there?" I ask Keisha.

Keisha look at me,startled.
"Good morning,Master.This is ah~cookies that the young miss baked. Shw told me to distribute some to everyone in the manor."

"Hmm...Then,where is mine?"

Keisha looks bewildered.
"But the young miss already left sometime now.She said she will personally gift it to you Master,Mistress and Young Master."

I nod.

"She might be in Iris room.She forgot the time when she talks with him."

"Ah,yes.Miss,always talks about Young Master.But she always says that Master is the reason why her brother is the best in the world."

I blush.
This is making me feel awkward.
Seeing me blushing the maid also felt awkward.

"Miss likes her family the most.." She whispers.

I nod and tell her to take the cookies to their respective owner.
Anyway, my mood is elevated.


"Iris,is your sister in there?"

"Come in,father.Yes.Seya is sleeping right now."

I entered his room.
The desk is full of papers and books.He is really diligent.

"Why is she sleeping here?"

"She wants to sleep in my bed so I let her sleep.She said she wakes up early to bake cookies,got carried away and bake alot that the whole manor is receiving it now."

"Yes.I saw Keisha distributing the cookies."

"It's just an excuse.She really wants to bake for the whole manor." Iris smiles knowingly.

Zeal thought so too.
Because Keisha told him that Seya also has a prepared packaging and she also prepared ingredients enough for alot of people to enjoy.

"She might feel indebted. She did alot of nasty things." (Zeal)

"She's acting cute and that's very charming." Iris laughs softly.

I nod.
This sincere little girl is very precious.

A/N :
I'm trying to appeal that she's very cute and her changes appeals to her family greatly.
Dunno why,my vocabulary of praises is very limited. Does this mean I'm not really good at praising someone? Boot licking is not my strong point..hahaha

I learned how to praise more from the time I last seen this story..hahahaha.

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