Owen and Clade

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Chap 15
Owen and Clade

Chu <3
Seya and Ollie stare as Clade kiss the cheeks of the second prince.
The two fighting duo squeal together as they have heart for this kind of 'love'.

"Stop it.They are having wrong ideas because of you." Owen says and pushes Clade.

"Don't stop! Please *bleepp* *bleepp* each other." Ollie says with weird panting sound.

"Please refrain from vulgar words.And Clade is my cousin in father's side.He is a royalty too so please....Don't get that wrong perception."


And the wrong perception has just begun.
The silly Clade laugh some more.

~Clade Blunger~

15 years old.

"What are you thinking!? You are the rightful heir to the throne! Why are you slaving near the second prince side? I can understand if it's the crown prinve but to the weak and sickly second prince!"

Alot of adult says what they want.
If my father inherit the throne and not uncle,I am the rightful heir but since it's not then be contented of what we have,I want to say but keep my mouth shut.

I like the second prince because he is simple and quiet.
And we share a same hobby.
Dressing up.
I like dressing up as a clown and butler.
It was inspired of the novel I read before.
And he likes to dress up as a princess.I thought he wants to act as a girl but he seriously just like the dress and dressing up as one.
I don't understand how his hobby work.
I like how he don't care how I act different and do things.

"You look hot and cool.Can you *bleep* the prince?"

This rowdy duo came out of no where and saying this and that.
I do laugh but isn't it bad that they are talking to royalty like this?
I don't act as a royalty but Owen is a true prince.

"Seya Plauvendure...My brother is constantly seeing your father for marriage.It seems your father does not like it."


"Ehhhhh??? The prince wants to marry you?!"

She's blushing.
We look at thw quiet blushing little girl.

"He is an idiot ofcourse!" Seya hmp and then she look at me.

"Detrio is a serious guy.He must be really serious with you." I laugh.

But I got scared when she look at me with this omnious glare.

"Did I offend you?"

"Huh?" She look puzzled.

"You are glaring at me just a moment ago."

She hides her eyes and then resign and look at me apologetically.

"Sorry...I just feel agitated with you.I didn't mean to be rude."

I can't remember offending her.

"Sorry..Your 'whatever-happens-doesnt-concern me' attitude pisses me off."
She honestly bow her head.

Owen laugh hard.
I never heard him laugh before.
He is laughing so loud that his clutching his stomach.

"Your highness,that's really rude." I sigh.

"Oh.So the playful Clade can have a troubles face like that huh."

Now,he is teasing me?

"Right.Being playful is good but it's starting to become fake." The rowdy girl smile at me.

I'm starting to act fake?

"I do like playful act."

"Then *bleep* the Prince!" They say in unison.

Sorry but I don't sway that way.
Really sorry.

~Owen Stellar~

I can't help laughing and sighing.
Laughing when the two weird duo tease Clade,my older cousin, but sigh when suggest him to do advances on me.Are they for real?

But lopking at her..This child is the one my brother fancy huh.
I believe that Detrio is a perfect human.
He is calm and smart.
But these past few days I can find him looking away,touching hia lips then smiling. He sigh alot too.
He also has sleepless night,i wonder why?
We are not close but we are not enemies.After all,he is my blood brother.

"I want to see her.." He often bury his face in his palm saying those words.
I wonder what kind of girl can make my brother like that.

"If Clade can't,should you do the seducing and let him *bleep* you?"
The two of them look at me.
What is this *bleep*?


"Your highness,please dont restrain and *bleep*."

"To be honest,this *bleep* is suggesting immoral acts?"

The two lady look at each other.

"Hey Seya.What is the charge for suggesting immoral act to a prince?"

"Hmm? Death until seven generation?"

"Should we stop then?"

"It's a pity but I can't let my brother be beheaded.It'll be a waste and the world will lost the most handsome guy."

"Your love for your brother scares me."

"Umm.." I look at them.
The two of them smile at me and blink.

"Your highness,it's a pleasure meeting you but we have to go "


"Yes.Yes,your highness,we are intruding too much already.Please excuse us."

Acting cute huh.

"Hoh~~Leaving so suddenly ." Clade laugh.


"You can leave but not now.The  haa arrived." I say.
I stood up and unsheathed my sword.

Two black clothe man appear.
Bronze Grade Magic Swordsman huh..
I look at Clade and he nod at me.
He whistle and our men appear.

"Oh...You are not here just to have *bleep*?" Seya says.

I sigh while shaking my head.

Why would I stay in the forest and let my princess clothe bw ruin for nothing?

"They are wanted criminal.The two of you should prepare."

Seya sigh and look at them.

"You are hiding too many expert for two bronze grade swordsman?" She says disappointedly.

"Well,Clade is scared that my little brother might get hurt and end up with too many people."

"Fucking idio----Detrio!?"

"I miss you damn brat." He jumps near Seya and lightly kiss her.

Seya slaps his face but he doesn't hide or stops her.He looks like he enjoy it.

"Brother,why are you here?"

"I heard about you wanting to catch criminal with Clade.I'm worried so I came."
He said thay but his hands are busy hugging Seya.
His smile is brighter and nicer.
Seya on the other hand looks she wants to kill him.

"Seya,I miss you ."

Seya punch him with all her strength.
That will mark brother.
But he looks satisfied so It's alright,right?

"She-----punch a royalty?" Clade has a scared look.

Why are we here again?

A/N :

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