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Chap 13

I left early in the morning.
I didn't inform Jazzer because his bewn feeling really gloomy about it,cute.

Grandfather gave me a small pouch of gold and tells me to bring only the things I need.Eat only if hungry, drink only if thirsty and always be alert.

I just feel like he is nagging though.

I have perfect grasp of my four element. Fire,Water,Wind and Earth.Actually Fire and Water is not compatible; Water and Earth is troublesome But Wind is compatible to all and balance eveeything I guess.I feel like I'm raising children.Wind is the eldest and very compromising; Fire is hot blooded and childish; Water is calm but easily provoked and Earth is stubborn.
They are my children so I have to raise them well or I achieve nothing.

At first week, I'm very easy going but when I run out of food and water as I dwell inside the forest killing of monsters, I panic.
Roasting meat is unappetizing since I don't have anything to use as to marinade.I don't even have salt. I'm starting to believe that I'm in a pinch.
I can go to town but food will only last for three to four days and everything will be spoiled.
I'm starting to curse.
If I'm a reincarnated person,can't they gave me item box or magic bag? It's very 'isekai' to have those.Urgh...Sucks.

"I'm starting to hallucinate.I can smell...smell good food..."
As I grumble I heard a rustling sound.
I take my sword and wait.
A round bunny hop and look at me.

"Oh.How cute.A pity that you taste bland."

The bunny shown a scared face.

" Ollie."


"Your race can talk?"

"Uh no.I'm a beast tamer.I'm only using my partner as a medium to talk to you.I'm in the eastern part of the forest."

"Oh wow.I don't know that this is possible."

"This ia my own magic.Oh..Anyways,can you come and hurry if you may.Only you can help me.I'm actually in a pinch.I'm trying to look for someone but you are the nearest."

"What kind of pinch?I would not like you to think I'm easily fooled."

"Oh.Oh.No.I'm not pulling strings.I'm in a hole you see..A man made hole.I can't get out."

"......okay.I will believe you for now."

I went.
And see a magnificent stupid trap.
A blond girl is in the middle of a stiff hole.

"Um.hello? " I called.
When she saw me she became even more depress.

" a child huh.I hope to use a help in lifting me out here but it'll be impossible with your built."

How rude.

"I can tie a rope in the tree and you can pull yourself out."

"Oh right! That is possible too."

".....what do you mean? You never think about that?"

" me out now.Please."

"Where is your rope?"

"What rope? Ah.yes.I don't have one.Don't you have one?"


This is a level of child's thinking.

"Then,how do you expect to get out there? And why is there a hole here anyways?"

"I made it.Using a mole.And I accidentally fall in here."

"You made this hole yourself?"

I'm having a headache from thinking from her point of view.
Unreasonable and simply stupid.

"Yes.I made it very hard to get out."

"Haha." I blandly laugh.
Should I turn around and forget I saw her?

"Wait! You look like you think I'm stupid but I have to find an emerald song bird,so I made this trap."

"A trap for bird is a pit?"

"Emerald song bird is not a bird.It's a cute and cuddly ball of feather.At early years,emerald song bird are just chick that can't fly but loves to jump around.A pit is a perfect trap."

"Umm." I nod.

"You--emerald song bird are really rare but a sightings are reported so I waited here.A feather of an emerald song bird cause 2 crystal coin you know! 2 crystal coin!!"

Xeal is the currency in this country.
And 1 of those crystal coin is 1million Xeal.

"Not only you are not sure if the report about sighting is correct you end up capturing yourself ,trap in a hole."

".....I'm not only interested about the feather. Drop of blood of those Emerald ball is a good ingredients for excellent recovery potion."

"That's not what's important right now.Oh well.."

After a while.

"Atlast!!!!" Happily,she spread her arms and shouted.

"If there's nothing else,I'll be going " I'm about to turn around but she grabs me.

"Hey,I haven't paid yet."

"Ow.oww..hurts.Let go of me.I don't care so byebye."

" can't be done like that.I don't have plenty but choose something from my belonging."

"No,thanks.Ouch! Hurts."

"I may look like this but I'm pretty well off."

"You are in the mountain You can't buy from trees.So what's the use of money."

"You want something from the town? Say what you want."

"A satisfying meal.That's what I want."

".......You dont have a storage ring?or you run out of provision?"

There it comesssss!!!
Storage ring!?
Where can I have those storage items!

In the middle of the forest,a clown is singing passionately while dressing up a pretty little girl(?).

"Someone is nearby." The voice of the little girl(?) Has a very masculine soft tone.

"I know master..Do you want to eliminate the intruder?"

"You don't have to.They will come to us."

The cheerful clown torn the huge limb of bear and starts choping.

A/N :
#adventure feels.
Gotta sleep now.
I'm kinda overwhelm and happy for support.
You are well appreciated.

I Reincarnated in Otome Game but I Don't Care (Indefinitely Onhold)Where stories live. Discover now