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Chap 10

I want to smash his face.
This lecherous bastard Old Geezer.

"Cough.cough.Welcome to the Plauvendure Villa Seya."
Don Charlone Plauvendure raise his arm and smile wide. He awaits his cute charming Granddaughter to run in his arm.


After awhile,he look disappointed and let down his welcoming arm. He cough twice.

"So...Your father told me everything." He said in a business manner tone.

D.C (Don Charlone) didn't look straight at his granddaughter's glare. He pace left and right infront of Jazzer and Seya.
He needs to think of a way to send the kids away to continue his 'inspections' on the young maid.

'This lecherous bastard...I can see the flame of disgusting desire in his eyes.. How could he show something like that infront of Jazzer,the angelic child.'

Seya look at Jazzer.
His face still reddened.
He is looking down holding the hem of his shirt,twisting and rubbing.

'Cute...This guy...I can't believe he is not one of the capture target?'

I hold his hand.His eyes widen and stare at me.

"I will protect your innocence.."

A/N :
Mature content alert!
The innocent angel is not really that innocent.
How did I end up in this direction? Haha

~Jazzer Vermillon~

When I was 6 years old

I woke up one night because I heard voices.
I rub my eyes.
My father shouldn't be at home.
His away,doing business.
But he told me he will come home to celebrate my birthday so I'm a little excited and can't sleep well.
I called in a soft voice.

No one answered me.

Maybe I'm hearing things.
I went to get a glass of water.
In my way down the stairs,I halted.
My uncle and my mother,naked,are panting and moving roughly on the chair.


A lightning strike on the window.
Two scary pair of eyes look at me.


"Come here Jazzer."
Uncle look at me and smile at me.
His hand is hiding something behind him.

I felt scared.
I've been living with them all my life.Who-who are this people?

"W-what are you going to do to him?" (Mother).

I saw my uncle glare at my mother.
She look at me with panic.


Another lightning strike.
It signal me to run.

I run to my parents room.
I hide myself to the bathroom.
I shiver.
What? What?


I saw my Uncle.
His body is wet with blood---whose?

He smiled at me.

I don't know what happened next.
My mind blank.
When I wake up I was alone in an abandoned building....

This ruined building..
Is my house?!
I'm panting heavily.
My whole body felt warm.

I saw my father.He was under the ruined wall.


"Rnn.Run away Jazz..People will find out what happened. They will hurt you."

" will help you.I will.."

"Jazz.Son. Your magic power awaken.....You killed everyone in the house.If the family head found out..they will kill you."

".....N-no..No Father! Uncle-uncle killed mother!"

".........I-I see...I see.."
Father laugh bitterly and rub my head.


"Leave now.Seek your Grandfather's brother.He will protect you."

I don't want to leave but the wall give in and father got squash alive.
I cried and run away.
It started to rain.

What really happened?

I wander from town to town.
I ate in the street,sleep in the street.

I thought I'm finally lucky when some noble girl take me home.
But the horror starts there...

I was molested by the noble girl and her servants.
It was like a nightmare everyday.
2years ago.
I already given up life.
That fateful day...I met my grandfather's brother--Don Charlone Plauvendure.

He fix my body with magic and annihilated the noble girl's family to the point of extinction.

I cried and cried.
I never thought I'll be given another chance.
That I can change my life again.

"It must have been tough,Jazzer."

I shake my head.

"It's hell but I'm still lucky to have you,Grandfather."

"I will train you.From now on,call me Master. We will train your magic prowess so no one can bully you ever again.Not anymore."

Tears just keep on rolling.

"I have a granddaughter, do you want to meet her? It will help relieve your trauma."

"......" I shake my head violently.
I don't want to.
I can still remember how that noble girl touches my body,grope me,lick me.
I hate them.
I will never let anyone touch me again.

"Something's wrong, Jazz?"
Seya look at me She's still holding my hand.
This kid is just like that noble girl.
Touching me without permission.... But I not feel disgusted?
And there's a warm feeling in my heart with every contact?
Am I being stupid? Is it because my Master is so lecherous that I've become just like him?

I just stare at her.
Her beautiful eyes look straight to mine.

"Honestly,I don't understand how he become my grandfather.."
She pout and glare at Master.
Master feign ignorant and didn't react.

"Young miss.... Master,really misses you.He even personally supervise on renovating your room."

"Do not be fooled! That(pointing at her grandfather),for sure, harass the maids that cleans that room.Personally supervising is just an excuse.Urgh...Then,my bed must be that dirty! Very well,I'll be sleeping with Jazzer from now on.Who wants to sleep on the room that he uses for sexualization."


Sleep where?!

" see,Jazzer doesn't really like to stay near women. I don't want you bothering him about it."
D.C tried to persuade his granddaughter.

Seya look at Jazzer.
She let go of his hand and steps away from him hurriedly

Seeing that,Jazzer felt hurt by this.
It's true that his not comfortable but he do like being near Seya.

"I see.So that's the reason why you moan like that.What have I done? I'm really sorry.From now on,I'll make sure not to get near you no matter what! You must have suffer." Seya look concern and guilty.
But Jazzer heart felt hurt to heart broken.

D.C saw this and confuse written on his face.

"...Young fine." Jazzer walks to Seya.

D.C looks confuse to amazement.
'Fufu...Kids grow up too fast.'


I think thrice before finalizing Jazzer's background.
I think it's too pitiful and gross but....hmm.. That's the background I want for him I think. at first sight? Give me a break.haha.
I'll definitely write more nonsense.

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