Good Samaritan

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Chap 8
Good Samaritan

It's the third day of our adventure---err---our departure.
I'm getting bored---err--getting tired.

"Young miss,we are going to camp here for tonight."

"Eh~~" I pout at him.He only smile at me.
They're already use to me.

"If you are getting bored young miss there is a small pond near here.It's famous for it's relaxing benifits."

"Young miss can't go there.No one can protect her if something happens." One of the guard denied the young magician.

"Oh! I want to see." Seya jump from the carriage.

"Then,I will come with---"

Seya look at him blankly.
"You'll come with me?"

The young magician stops on his track.

"Young miss,what if something happens." The head guard panic.

"Then set a protective barrier! I might be a child but I don't want anyone to see me naked." She pout.

They all nod at me.

I went.

There is a bloodied bastar----err---child infront of the pond.
I run and grab it's hand.
I just want to check hia pulse but he groan loud.

"Oh good! You're alive." I sigh.


"I have a potion here.A lowest of the lowest potion!"
Seya proudly shove the lowest of the lowest potion in the young kid that is lying on the ground.(lol)

~Detrio Stellar~

I'm being chase.
Alot of assassins are aiming for my life and to my surprise my trusted guard left me.
I manage to get away from being captive but my whole body is covered with injury.
I swear that I will never truat anyone ever again! I swear!

Luckily,I've been in this region before.I knew of a place that can heal light injury and reduce pain by bathing with it's water.
A pond of healing.
On my way to the pond,I lost my consciousness.

Someone is grabbing my wrist!
My eyes opened and saw a noble girl with it's wavy hair.Her face has a look of astonishment.

"Oh good! You're alive! " she sigh.
D*mn her,it hurts.
She does look like she has no ill intent so I'll let it go.

"I have a potion here.A lowest of the lowest potion!"

She exclaimed and rub a bottle of potion in my face!
This bastard has a nerve to do that to me? A crowned Prince!

"Hey.Oh, I know.You can't move huh.Okay I'll help you." She is making fun of me,does she?
She hurriedly remove the lid and slam the potion in my mouth.


Tears and saliva covers my whole face.
I fewl warm.
My wounds are healing.

"Oh f*ck! It's my rare middle potion instead? I gift a rare middle potion to a basta---to you?"

Disappointment is written all over her face.
I stand up.
And whack her head.


This d*mn girl!

"What is that for?" She glare at me.

"You fool! Who told you to shove a potion in my mouth so much that made me choke!"

"Oh good! You rob me my one in a million rare middle potion and now it's my fault?!"

I Reincarnated in Otome Game but I Don't Care (Indefinitely Onhold)Where stories live. Discover now