Trouble Arrives

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Chap 42
Trouble Arrives

King Winger Duche and Queen Elisa Duche together with Princess Shiela and her Children (the Second Princess of Collerblue Kingdom) Arrives in the venew.

Clade Blundger and His Mother Princess Hannah Blundger(Sister in law of The Roseguard Kingdom King) arrives.

Don Charlone Plauvendure together with Jazzer,Andrew and Leticia arrives.

Prince Michael Danniver with His Father King Ivan Paier Danniver (Wesvern Kingdom) arrives.

Erick Malver and Head Master Sid Malvar (Starlight academy Personnel) arrives.

Amilia Summer and Debue Opal (Iris marriage partner candidate and high class society Young ladies and Star light Academy graduate) arrives together with Mina Silver (Crown Prince Marriage candidate).

Former Students and Classmates of Seya in Starlight Academy Arrives.

Influential People,Nobles and Some Lesser Royalty is also present in the occassion.

Some Famous Persons and Businessman also Arrives.

The Grand Celebration Started with A Bam.
Fire works and Fire Crackers rock the venue.
The music started and dancers out of no where appear to entertain the guests.
The solemn and serious Guests started to warm up and starts chatting,laughing and entertained.
The Music and dance lasted for 30 minutes.
The Plauvendurr arrives from the high stairs and the music faded and the dancers exited.
The Famous Loving Family of Plauvendure welcome the guest with warm smiles.
Elegant and Noble.
Their greetings resound to everyone heart and a lot cheers for another year of glory.

"It's a good party." Owen says and hug his brother that is drinking alcohol even the party haven't started.

"Hmmm.." The only response he received from Detrio.But he patted Owen's back to tell him he acknowledged.

"Being gloomy again this year? I don't really understand why do you have to be the one who will be engage with Seya." Jazzer says and sit in the chair next to Detrio.

"It's because I'm the best person available." Detrio lips curve upward.

"Puu..If she can see you today,she'll think twice of marrying you." Jazzer tsked at Detrio.

"Hmp.More than complaining,why not marry your stalker? And take over your Vermillon family already?"

"Shut up. I'll do my things in my own pace."

"You just lack confidence.You're a coward to make it simple."

"You pisses me off everytime I see you."

"Now,Now.Jazzer should not be agitated.Brother is just drunk."
Owen says but he is already accustomed with the two bickering at each other everytime they met.

"Drunk or not stays the same.Good-for-nothing Prince.Hey,Are you sure it's wise to ignore the King's order and the your Princess Fiancée?" Jazzer says seriously while snatching Detrio's drink.

"Are you scared for me? I'm puking."

"Che! Who will care about you?"

"I don't care about that order.Father is being pressured by the Family and I don't want to be a tool they use to gain the Silvan Kingdom territory."

"You are still a Prince and you have to follow your father.Be a little sensitive about your action."

"Geez..Am I drunk or you really sounds concern? I'm seriously going to puke."

"Seya is like a sister to me.And Whether I like it or not you are her temporary Fiancé. I have to tell you to straightened your ways until she came ba---.Where is Detrio?"

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