Lovey dovey

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Chap 12
Lovey Dovey

While grandfather is in the store and chatting with Mr.Morphell, I am here with the stone face handsome yet aloof eldest son of the Morphell,Andrew Morphell.

"My sister is the cutest.."
After that first sentence he never stops.
Like Leticia is like a sun that shines and the flower that blooms.I drink my tea silently and eats the sweets that offers.
I just nod whenever he ask my opinion or says "eh~she's an angel" and he will agreed enthusiastically.

"Young Master Morphell,I think of looking around so if you'll excuse me." After drinking all the tea prepared and ate the snacks prepared I wanted to escape now.

"Oh.I'll show you around."

"You don't have to."

"It's fine.It's fine.I think we are kindred soul."

I want to tell him but if he insist,whatever.

The store is a jewel store.
Different gems and metal can be seen.

"You like jewelry?"

I shake my head.

"But--woman like jewelry..." He looka displease huh.

"I don't think everyone has the same preference."

"......but it's pretty!"

He stops talking about his sister and now talks about jewelry huh.

"Does Leticia likes jewelry?"

"She does!"

Immediate answer!?

"Then she must be really cute."
I tried changing the topic.
He didn't reply so I have to look up.
This ten year old siscon is really handsome and charming.
He has a serious face.

"Are you jealous? That I keep talking about my sister?"

The F***!
Keep talking about her,who cares?

"I don't."
Huh? What did I say?
I should say 'no way' so why 'I don't?'

"I only keep on talking about her because woman like cute things right?"

So you keep on talking about her because you find her cute huh.
Well,I don't mind.

"You think grandfather is buying something?" I want to run away.

"He does.Always.But I think he will buy you an enchanted item.You already an Primary Grade Stage 2 Magician, right?"

"Hoho.You can tell?"

"I'm a Primary Grade Stage 5 magician,only one level lower than the crown prince."

"Wow..Genius flocks together."
Whew,we are talking normally now? How come?

"I'm not a genius.Leticia is a genius. I work hard."

"Alot of kids work hard too but still not on your level so keep your head high."

I look at him.
He is slightly bowing.
He has this super happy face while blushing.

I didn't know why I say that but he look at me with big eyes.

"I...look cute?"

I nod my head.
Don't make it a big deal,hey.

He beams and stands up.He leans to me and kiss my forehead.

"You look the cutest."


"What?" I ask pouting.
We are riding the carriage home.
Grandfather look at me and sigh.

"Stop seducing the kids around.You are not allowed to do that."

"WHAT?" I angrily exclaim.

"I saw you kissing andrew.Don't deny this."

"I didn't! He kissed me!"

"Does that matter?"

Is he the one who is seducing who?
Why did he put all the blame to me?
And what's with these kids?
I am not even the heroine.
I'm suppose to be the villaine,right?

3months later:

I have to leave tomorrow.
I'm going to the mountain.
Hunt low level monster and accumulate experience.
This whole three months I've been slaving myself in studying and training.

"Normally,No parent will allow a five year old to enter the mountain." D.C

"Well, normally I don't have to force myself but I like to do this."

"Yes.And cause you are not normal."


That's really harsh.
But It's not really normal huh.
I also think that being five years old,the things I can do is abnormal.

"Make sure to spend time with the males you enchanted.A year in the mountain will make them real lonely." He says to me.

I am the one who is going to this mountain so why is it that I should pacify them and comfort them? He is treating me harshly!
Well,I did make sure he will stop his lewd activity so he is a little happy that I'm leaving.That leacher!

"Jazzer,we are going out."
I went inside his room.
I saw his flawless naked back.
His skin is fairer than mine huh.

He panic when he saw me behind him and put his already open panta back and grab any shirt and wear it.

"It's fine.Take your time." I says.

He shake his head and as usual he's face is reddened.

"We will eat outside."

"O-okay.I will go out once I'm dress."

"Hm? Just take it off.We are going without grandfather."

"Take what off? What?No.We can't. Master says I can't stay alone with you."

"Why not? He says I should spent time with you before I leave."

He looks like he suddely lost color.He look down and his shoulder shake.


"Can you just stay here? Can I go with you?"

"No and no.Don't worry I'm strong now and I won't fight a fight I can't win."

"More than being worry...I'm more lonely..."

"That's why we are spending time.Why did you become reliant with me?"

"Um..why are you taking my clothes off?"

"I'll help you undress.."

"Please..get out!"

Geez..He is really shy.

When I went out I saw the familiar figure.

"You are here....again.."

Andrew beams and grab me to his embrace.
He visits me everyday.
Bring me sweets,tea or jewelry and sometimes he brings a marriage contract. This guy has a cruah on me,right?
He stops talking about her sister with me too saying I'm easily jealous.

"Get off.." I tried pushing him but
what can I do if he tighten his grip more?

"You smell nice." Sniffing on me.Are you a dog?

"Get off her!" A dark face Jazzer appear from behind.

"Ho...Make me.." Andrew hmp and look at Jazzer the same way.

I push Andrew and sigh.
"If it's like this,we all go out today."

"But it's our date!" Jazzer pout.

"Then,I am happily barging in!" Andrew is happily put his arm around Seya's.

Jazzer's face darken.

A/N :
Crown Prince,Michael,Jazzer and Andrew..let's not include the siscon Iris and his father.The list is still not finish.
Reverse harem? Are you going to be alright,Seya?

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