School Exam

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Chap 19
SS Section

I am so tired.
It's because Sir Erick is so impress of me that he makes me finish 585 written examination in one day.
Though I know the answer and it's easy for me since there's no essay or equation to solve I feel my spirit energy seeping out of my body.
The Magic Examination is the easiest next day.
I didn't have to spent half of my mana for all the test exam.
I fought alot of beast too.
The last one is a real strong one a Gold Grade Beast.
He said I passed after I fought the Beast and end the fight in a couple of second.He said that the exam should end awhile ago but he keeps on dragging me for more.
I'm really curious why I should fight a Gold Grade Beast.So it seems he is testing my limits.Im not mad but he keeps apologizing so I make him treat me to lunch.

I jump grades and he told me that the school doesn't forbid such thing but it's rarely done so I might find alot who will harbor jealousy and hostility.
I don't really care but it will be troublesome.
In the game,Seya tried to advance grade to be near the crown prince no matter what to the point of bribing but rejected and failed alot of times.
She did skip grade but only one grade and never been in the SS Section,the elites section.

Though it said that it's rarely done; Michael also skipped grade(he's supposedly A primary grade 6 student) but take an exam and now an SS Section Second year student along with Brother and Idiot Prince. Jazzer is also in the section with Andrew.I heard they always together. Leticia skipped grade and will enter school together with me as an advance student in SS Section second year level. I heard Prince Owen skipped grade last year and always seen with Ollie.I smell something fishy. Ofcourse,the all so handsome butler clown Clade is not here.He's graduated already.An old man,huh.
Hmm..Silver is not here ofcourse.
But my problem is not only her.
SS Section is compromise of all the year level student since SS students are rare.
They have their own building and their own cafeteria.They also have their own salon and Magic training grounds.Truly an elites among elites.
They worn badges and not ID's.They also have some authority and give them some leeway in school.

And in this elite section,the main love interest are two guys , the perfect Crown Prince and the Duke's and Prime Minister Son.
And both person are connected to Seya.

"I can't believe it when I heard that the Prince is head over heels inlove.I handle SS Section too and always see him bored and serious.To think that kind of guy can honestly fallen." Erick chuckle a little.

"Don't misunderstand.We are not romantically inlove.He just know that I'm the best candidate to become a prospect wife."

"Eh~ really?"

Seya hmp and didn't answer anymore.
The food is exquisite.We are in the SS Building Cafeteria.

A warm arms hugs me from behind and kiss my cheeks.I just let him do what he wants.He won't stop complaining if I don't.
I turn around and saw Owen with Ollie and my smiling brother,Iris,one of his hand is pulling Detrio away from me though. Detrio is rubbing his cheeks on mine.He looks really happy.

~Erick Malvar~

My superior,the grandmaster of the school,and my grandfather,Sid Malvar,ask me one day if I can officiate an advancement exam for a single special student.
I think that's weird since grandfather hates favoring student.Even the royal family has to take extensive exam to pass.

"Fine.But I won't be lenient."

"That's good.Because you don't have to hold back with this student."

Grandfather beams.
He is excited and happy.
This new student must be really special.

And I was right.
For every test exam I gave her,she only took a glance and answer it like the answer is there and she only has to copy it.
Even though she is smart isn't this being too smart.
We took a breaks so I can checked her test papers.
We finish all the exam after a day.
And the magic test is too test her spells limits.But what is her limits? After casting spells over spells she never been exhausted. She's a fire magician and her spell is way above average.
She fought monsters that way above her grade and she finish them ,alright.I regret it when I tell her to fight off a Gold Grade. I just want to show her that there are monster out there that is way above her level so she has to be extremely careful even though she's skilled.I was prepare to ruah and protect her any moment but the beast lasted for seconds.
When I look at her clothes clean and wrinkle free I got goosebumps.
This girl is amazing.
My heart race and the beats echoed in my ears.
I'm always weak in people who is way strong and falls inlove so easily with them.
But never do I think of liking a girl who doesn't have her monthly period yet.

In the cafeteria all we talk about is rules and regulation.The students preference.The student of SS and regular sections.
She's listen with enthusiasm and I got carried away.
We also talk about the Prince and her brother.

And they came as if it's natural.
The compose and calm prince throw himself to the girl and she doesn't look like it bothers her.
Her brother flawlessly pull or push the prince away.
In an instant she is surrounded with student in SS Section.
She,Seya Plauvendure,in the middle of students looks so natural.

"Anyways,I am with Sir Erick.Aren't you so disrespectful to him?" Seya pout.

Suddenly,all eyes are on me.
I flich a little.
Students don't really value their teacher much here.Specially the elite Section so I don't even think they remember my name.

"Pardon us Sir Erick." Iris Plauvendure is the first to acknowledged me.
No.Please don't apologize.My standing is way below yours even your not yet born.

"It's fine. It's fine." I smile wryly.

"No it's not." Seya cross her arm. "He took care of me for two days.Where is your greetings huh Prince Detrio?"

"Er..I didn't just ignore him you know.I just can't help prioritizing you.I'm sorry if I've been rude Sir.Malvar.A good day to you."

"'s fine your highness." Shit. I'm beginning to sweat.
He is the crown prince you know.
Even the grandmaster don't expect greetings from him.

"Good morning Sir." Ollie bows at me.

"Good Morning Sir Erick." Prince Owen bow too.

I'm panicking here.
"Please.Please don't mind me."

"Sir,you teaches these students. Don't let them intimidate you." Seya says.
Prince Detrio nods and smile at me.

"It's a pity that because of social standing that some teacher are intimidate with us.But don't worry Sir. As long as you do your job properly no one will question your authority.And your a very hardworking teacher." Iris Plauvendure is a nice and smart kid.Even the Princes can't compare to his dedication in studies and he is well appreciated and praised by students and teacher for his manners.
For him to acknowledge me is..
My heart beats faster again.
This Plauvendure duo is just too much for me.

"You flatter me." Seya Plauvendure is really a weird one.But she brings fortune to me so I like her.

A/N :
School life is starting.
Mina Silver is not even in SS Section. How shameful.
But there is a bigger obstacle in SS Section.

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