Ancient Magic

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Chap 6
Ancient Magic

That early morning, before the sun rises, Zeal and Marie got up their feet.

"Did you feel that?" Zeal asks worriedly.

Marie nods and hugs herself.

"Ominous, scary. Magic is flowing like a raging sea!" Marie exclaimed.

"I will investigate.Fortify the barrier.Find out where did the culprit broke in.I will get our daughter."

"Yes..I'm sure the guards also felt the changes in magic flow.I will ask them to scout."(Marie).

Zeal nods.
He went out.
Strange though.
The barrier should have defected any intruder or alert them if someone breaks in. And the guards,their guards are well trained and proficient magic user.How can a magic fortified and guarded manor like theirs has a break in?


Zeal is infront of his daughter's room.

He smell the stench of blood and the abnormal flows of magic. He froze and forgot to breath.

If something happens to his daughter, he might lose his mind.

He knocks.
There's no answer.
He knocks again.This time it's louder.
" Seya! Seya,do you hear me!? Open this door!"
Zeal felt dizziness.

There is still no answer.
Zeal kicks the door.
He saw his small daughter in the floor,lying,cold and still.
Zeal strength wavers.He look at the small child devoid of life.
Her blood scattered in the floor,dried.

"Dear,what is....." Almost like slipping on the floor.The confusion in Marie's eyes turn horror.
She runs to her daughter.
Hugging and shaking her.
But there is no one who can speak.
She forgot how to speak.
Her eyes filled with tears but makes no sound.

A loud thud is heard.
The two couple look at each other.
Seya's heart awaken but it's making a loud sound.
The magic flows become really violent and push Marie away. The air and magic flows encircle Seya.

Is heard.
Seya exclaimed.

"That was intense! Haha. I thought I might die.Good thing my nerve is tough huh.Hmm..Eh?"
Seya look dumfounded at her parents.

'Oh f*ck,I'm busted.'

The two runs to her.She close her eyes and brace herself but to her surprise her mother didn't slap her but hugs her tightly.
"I thought I've lost you.I thought I've lost you." She repeated and repeated this sentence and cried.

She felt guilty.
But she did tells them not to bother her for three days.Could it be,3days is over? Did she miscalculate?
Zeal hugs them both and sniff.
It's very warm.
She happily hugs them back.

After a while,
'I knew this will happen.'

She's in the hot seat.
Zeal is sitting infront of her with a stern face.
Her mother is sleeping on Seya's bed.She got tired from all the crying.

"Tell me what happened." Stern.Devoid of love and affection. Scary.

Seya look at Zeal.
He looks like an executioner.

"Father,I opened my mediator.I am a magic user now." Seya steeled herself and brace for the worst.

"Seya..I can understand that.I felt that magic around you but why did I witness my daughter dead infront of me?"

"Dead? I didn't-it looks like I'm dead but I'm still alive."

"Is that the point?"

"But father,aren't you wronging me? I'm in the process of opening and guiding magic flow through an open mediator.I'm not dead!"

"You guide your own? Isn't that the ancient way? Let me see your materials."

I give him everything.
It because he sounds really really mad.

"This book? It's an ancient scripture. How did you read this,you just learn how to write.How can you be that proficient in reading an ancient book?"

"I might be a genius." Seya nods as she says.

Zeal look at her with a dead eyes.

"I have no time for joke.This ancient ways is banned due to it's danger to children.The ordel is huge,to fill a huge circle with blood and to put the body in state of almost dying. Not even n adults has the courage to face this kind of challenge!"

'Wait~ Does that means-----'

"Father,Do-do you mean there is an easy way in opening one's mediator?"


'Holy f*ck! Haha...This is true.I suddenly been reminded.My father told me that opening ones seal is very unpleasant but never did he tells me that it's dangerous.Good.Very Good.This lesson is brought out due to my mischievous self.I have but myself to blame.Geez.'

"But this is also good. Your core is open wide.Giving you more advantage.It was said that you can pierce open your mediator/magic area points ten times but the risk is sever for the body.You opened more of these magic points wider and larger the core compare to normal and your body will have easier time to be compatible with the magic affinity,since you succeed, it means your physical body is fit for a huge sized core and power.Later on,you should maintain a balance diet for magic and physical strength to avoid an explosion. Magic can cause your veins to explode so do not get greedy and absorb only what your body needs."

'His nagging..But this explanation is expected.I did scare him and mother.If brother is at home....shivers..he might start hating me..I don't want that.'

I nod my head.

"Hmm...But why do your body covered in too much blood?"

"Uh..I have to pierce all my mediators.My affinity says I am suited to 4 major elemental."

" elemental? You-you're a Four Grade Elementalist?"

'I also read about that.It's not so amazing,it's actually disadvantage.'

I nod.

My father fell silence.

"Father,I know it's hard...but I will train to the most of my ability to bring glory for the family."

"No..I'm sorry if I worry you.Being a Four Grade Elementalist will be hard.You have not to favor one Element. You have to grow all your element in balance.But I know you can do it.You are very smart." He smiles and rubs my head but the worry never left his eyes.

"Then..then why do you look sad,father? Are you still mad at my recklessness?"

He smile bitterly.
"Good that you know you are reckless but....My worries is have the same affinity as the Dulche's."

'Ah! How can I forget the Dulche's.My maternal royalty relative that live in the neighboring country? Oh my gawd.They always find a way to get back mother.They even want to get us,brother and me.But Brother has an affinity of fire that is the affinity of the Plauvendure's house.If they found out I have a Wind Element?Wait!'

"Father! All I have to do is become accustome with my magic power.If I can properly utilize my potential,erasing my other affinity infront of others may prove possible!"

"That is....only possible if you reach intermediate level.Even if you are gifted and on top of that anciently baptist.Being Intermediate with the time limit of two years is hard."

'In two years I have to be tested for my magic affinity.This is requirements for school.'

"When did you reach intermediate father?"

"Hmm..At highschool,first year."

'Wheew..My father truly is a genius. I heard that Intermediate Grade magician is attainable in first year of apprenticeship. Well,he is a 3rd Stage Black Gold Grade Fire Magician after all.The second most powerful in the whole RoseGuard Kingdom,only next to the King.'

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