Chapter 1.

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Noones POV.


Sasuke turned and spared Kiba one last look before taking of.

His arms clutch tightly his most precious treasures. His stomach hurt from the very dangerous inner wound he had. But he refused to acknowledge it, it was not important, nothing mattered except to get them to a safe place and he knew exactly to where. He just hoped his last bit of chakra would be sufficient.

"Dear Kami please let it be enough"

"D-dad! He's coming"

Sasuke looked at his 6 year old son that was in his arms. His big Onyx eyes showed fright and sadness but he didn't let a single tear fall, he was trying his best to stay strong as everything around him fell apart. Sasuke grimaced at the sharp pain he felt deep inside his intestines but he refused to stop running.

He looked at the bundle his son had in his arms his 3 year old Daughter.

Her indigo hair and pale skin smeared with dust and blood.

He jumped up and inside a cave putting his son down along with his daughter that he was keeping fast asleep with his Genjutsu.

She had seen enough so he decided to keep her locked up in an imaginary world where him self, his wife, and her hero big brother were happily playing with a dog running around and laughing near their beach.

His eye bleed from its extensive use and he quickly wiped it away. He stared as his son held his daughter closer to his chest making sure to remember every single detail of them both.

How could this have happened.?  He thought that everything was finally over, he should have stayed home more often, he should have been there for important events, but he wasn't.

He wasn't sure anymore if keeping them safe by being gone so often was the correct way to show them his love.

He missed out on so much before he knew it years passed and they were running and talking.

But he never heard a single complaint ,they would always smile and wish him luck and to be careful in his journeys when he would leave once again.

He didn't know if they understood but he made sure to keep them safe from the many enemies he made while young. But he didn't know that the one enemy he didn't make, would be the one to destroy everything.

The one person he trusted with his family would be the one to destroy it in a blink of the eye.

Sasuke turned when he felt someone land in the cave his eyes widened in finding his wife, he ran to her and grabbed her just in time before she fell from her exhaustion.

Her hands clutched his cloak and she leaned into him for support.


"Yuuto, I'm okay" Hinata smiled at her son and refused to let the smile fall.

Sasuke stared at his wife and held her as her breathing became more raspy.

Sasuke blinked as he heard another bomb go off and the earth shake Hinata winced as they fell and Yuuto covered his baby sister.

"Hinata we need to do this we're you able to get everything!?"

Hinata looked up at her husband of 7 years and nodded her short hair sticking to her neck wet with dirt and blood from a wound she had in her head.

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