Chapter 13.

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Sasuke POV.

I sighed softly looking towards Kakashi as he finished some paper work.

"You know her so why don't you go? No matter what Ibiki does she refuses to talk."

I knew that but right now I just needed two days tops to finish recovering. That poison gas bomb did a small number on me.

The good thing is that I remembered the antidote. It's times like these that I appreciate the fact that even if I saw something for second my Sharingan was able to memorize everything.

I've been in bed rest for a week and I couldn't take anymore.

No matter how much I death glared Hinata she wouldn't let me up.

"If you get off that bed I promise to paralyze you!"

It quite helped the fact that her Byakugan glare was enough promise as she said those words to convince me that she would.

It did help my lungs rest, the vomit was what I hated the most.

"Yeah I'll see her soon. By the way I'll take the mission"

Kakashi turned towards me and simply nodded

"So I take it it's true that Hiashi has become quite fond of Hitomi and Yuuto?"

I scoffed that man has tried to bribe me with money just so I could leave my kids with him.

It's quite annoying the facts that he brings to the table.

"I have experience with child care"

I'm well aware that he does.

"They have whom to play with here"

Yuuto already made friends and they allow Hitomi to play with them.

"They would be safer in the compound"

I thought about that one even though I knew they would with hundreds of Byakugan eyes. I put that one to the test. But the fact that I could still sneak past them was a statement to his words that it was a lie.

Kakashi chuckled and leaned back against his chair.

"Hmm yes he actually came here making all sorts of valid reasons as to why he should get custody. They were quite good reasons but all in all you are the father even if it's in the future."

"Hn if Yuuto and now Hitomi weren't so fond of him I wouldn't even let him see them again"

I glared at the sunset. Hinata was out with them and their aunt Hanabi who has been spoiling the hell out of them.

Hitomi has so many Dresses, hair accessories, and shoes it's ridiculous. I'm going to have to get them both another closet or a bigger room.

I sighed and closed my eyes here she comes. I could hear her loud footsteps. As the door slammed open Kakashi quickly said.

"No fighting in my office take it outside"

Sakura had her arms crossed but she sighed and stared towards me I still had my eyes closed but I could feel her stare.

"Sasuke could we talk?"

I sighed and rubbed my temples even though my head didn't hurt I knew it would hurt after this ordeal was done.

I slowly opened my eyes and glared at her, she flinched but then put her hands on her hips and glared right back. I got up and grabbed the scroll that Kakashi had out towards me.

I walked right past her and I heard her steps behind me. After we were outside the Hokage tower I stopped and turned towards her. There weren't any people around here but I just wanted to get her meddling out of the way.

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