Chapter 16.

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Heads up sad chapter 😭😭 I'm sorry in advance 🥺🥺

Hinata POV

I'm not sure how this was suppose to happen, what happened, what should have happened.

I clutched my small swollen stomach and curled in a fetus position as I saw more blood in between my legs.


I felt the sharp pain from my abdomen and I felt like throwing up. I heard a door slam open and saw blurry shadow people in-front of me, but I couldn't careless.

I had my eyes closed trying to concentrate on the immense pain my body was going through.

"No no no no-o please no! Kami no!"

"Hinata-sama please hold on!!! don't faint! Call lady Hana hurry!! Lady Hinata please breath!"

"What's going on?"



"Get the kids out of here and find Hana NOW! Bef-."

I couldn't hear anymore, I felt my body sweaty, I could hear my heart beat, I could feel my lungs, my trembling arms, legs.. no.. my entire body.

And then I felt nothing.. I opened my eyes and I saw greenery around me a huge bright sun, hills, flowers.. a meadow.  birds flying, butterflies, bees collecting nectar.

I placed my hand in my stomach and I sighed in relief and hugged my small but noticeable round belly. I felt my body relax and I felt extremely happy.

"Do you like it? Beautiful is it not?"

I was surprised but not scared to see a beautiful woman a few feet away from me.

Her hair black as night so long that it trailed behind her in the most beautiful of waves on the green ground, her eyes a beautiful green no... yellowish/ brownish... it was a mix of those colors I couldn't help but stare at the softness they showed. She wore an all white Kimono extravagant and the most beautiful I have ever seen design it had different colored flowers that were the same around the ground.

"Yes it is. Am I dead?" I looked around again concluding that it was somewhere that could not exist in the world it's pure ness was extremely noticeable.

She laughed and it sounded so light and pretty I didn't think that was possible. I felt myself blush no one could ever compete with a beauty like her.

"No my sweetie but it won't turn out happily at least for now,... you see I made a mistake and that mistake almost lead to the end of Humanity.

But Sasuke has already solved it. By the time you wake up your children will be back to their timeline they will remember nothing."

I stared as she touched a flower petal on the ground. She slowly picked it up and blew on it softly, it evaporated and I took a step back.

"T-then why am I here?"

I held my stomach possessively and she turned eyes landing and staring where my arms were protecting.

"There is only so much that can be changed already they are mad at how the future is going... I was sent to be...  a sorts of end and beginning... I am a mother of many children... I take them with me to a better place."

Her head went side ways and I started to take more steps back. She looked up to my horrified face and she smiled softly standing up and her kimono danced with the wind.

In an instant she was infront of me and I couldn't take more steps back I was unable to move. I felt tears sting my eyes and fall.

"P-please d-don't take my b-b-baby!!"

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