Chapter 9.

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Sasukes POV

I stared as Yuuto wail his sorrows, he did mention that he wanted to see Hiashi. It seems that in the future he died a couple months after he turned 5, and that he was very close towards his grandfather.

"G-Grandpa I missed y-y-you so much. S-S-So so much! I-I know you don't know m-me yet.... but please just h-hold me g-grandpa!!"

Yuuto turned his tear filled face up to see Hiashi and Hiashi only stared at him for a couple of minutes before frowning and nodding.

Even with a deep scowl on his face Yuuto looked absolutely ecstatic. His eyes lit up and Yuuto hugged him once again. Even though Hiashi didn't move a muscle to try and hug Yuuto or clear his face of that scowl he stared at the top of Yuutos head.

After a few minutes Yuuto let go of Hiashi and took a couple of steps back. He wiped his face and smiled bowing.

"I'm sorry for my abrupt and out of line behavior Lord Hiashi, please accept my apology."

Yuuto looked back up and stood waiting what Hiashi would say. Hiashi nodded and went to sit at the head of the table. He nodded and we all sat down. His eyes wandered towards Yuuto who was smiling.

He turned to look my way and I stared back at him. He turned to Hinata who straightened up and bowed her head a little. Hiashi looked back to me and glanced at Yuuto again.

"I think it would be better if the boy waited outside."

"Agreed" I nodded at Yuuto who stood and bowed respectfully before closing the doors.

"I've called you here because of some unsettling rumors.... I've heard of some rumors of two possible children who might be Hyuga and Uchiha, they say the girl has a Hyuga eye but the boy has only coal eyes like the Uchiha. What do you say of these rumors Uchiha?"

I stared at him a moment processing my words before speaking.
"This is true, they were sent back by myself from the future it seems."

"You do not deny that they are part Hyuga."

"Their mixed blood cannot be denied"

"What say you of the claim that the mother is my eldest Daughter."

"That also cannot be denied."

"So you are telling me... that In the future, I will let my own daughter mix our blood with someone out of the clan. Knowing that our rules strictly say that Hyuga and Uchiha blood cannot be mixed."

"I am not telling you anything. the proof is valid."

"What of Uzumaki Naruto, my daughter's current fiancé?"

I instantly stiffened and heard a gasp, I almost believed it was me who gasped for a second. I let my eyes wonder towards Hinata who had her eyes wide and a small hand covering her mouth. She turned towards me with confused eyes.

I turned back towards Hiashi as he continued talking but stared directly at Hinata who was scooting herself slowly towards me, to hide a little behind me.

"I'm starting to wander if I taught my daughter so little respect for our clan name, that she would be willing to forget about her fiancé 2 weeks after it became official to all Konoha, and run of in another's arms."

I felt myself get angry and I needed to calm myself down before things got out of hand. I'm not so impulsive anymore. But his jab was clear, he thinks Hinata is showing herself as a Harlot.

"Hinata has been only but kind to me and my children, she is simply helping me out for the time being. If it is much of an inconvenience to the Hyuga then I will not ask further of her." I stood with the disrespect intended. "For the record, Hinata is a respectable woman that has not been anywhere near my bed"

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