Chapter 8.

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Hinata POV
I hummed as I listened to Hitomi splash with her new bath toys a boat, and a little shark. I giggled as she splashed water over me and she quickly apologized.

"It's alright Hitomi!"

"Mommy when are you going to tell daddy bout my little baby?" She asked with a tilt of her head.

I frowned what does she mean.

"What do you mean Hitomi?"

"Well you throw up your dinner a lot, and you told me and brother, that it was because we were going to have a little baby mommy! But that it was a surprise for daddy!"

"Oh" I stared at her innocent eyes. So I'm pregnant again... I'm the future...well Sasuke sure doesn't waist time... huh...

I felt my face heat up as I remembered again when he ran his hand through his wet hair just a few minutes ago. I don't think I have thought much about him...but I can now understand why he is still so popular with the girls and lady's.

Him standing by the window with out his cloak, with a mug of coffee in his hand, and the other hand running through his hair well.... he's very handsome.

But the warmth he shows both Hitomi and Yuuto is unbelievable. He trains Yuuto gently but with strictness also. He knows he's still very young so it's mostly hand on hand combat.

Both kids have been here for 4 days and I've been with them from morning until night when they fall asleep.

Sasuke got an apartment 2 days ago and I helped organize everything... well I might have gotten too excited. I bought them most of the plants and small ornaments, and paintings, around the 3 bedroom apartment. It had a decent living room and kitchen, with one bathroom.

"Well Hitomi for now let's keep it still our secret! Deal?"

"Haii Mommy!"

And with that Hitomi was back playing and I finished washing her hair. It was so soft and completely black just like Sasukes.

I got up and grabbed her bath robe and a towel for her hair. Sasuke didn't spare anything when it came to both of them he went out and got them everything a home needed. Specially their room it's full of toys and clothes.

All he said was "it's better they have it then need it"

I could only giggle because Hitomi did not need a teddy bear taller then her. But it was still sitting in a corner along with more toys.


I turned to Yuuto who came in with his hair in a ponytail.

"Yes Yuuto?" I helped Hitomi put her toys back in the bin and she put her arms in the robe.

"Mom a messenger from The Hyuga clan is here for you"

I froze and looked towards Yuuto. I quickly wrapped the towel around Hitomis head and helped her out of the tub, it was already nap time for her.

"Did he say it was an emergency?"

"Iie he only said he had a message for you."

I carried Hitomi towards her room as she yawned and rubbed her eyes.

"Hmm Tell him I'll be right there. Where's your Father?" I placed Hitomi on the bed and went to grab her clothes I had laid out and lotion.

"Oh he's reading a scroll on the couch, and sipping his coffee."

"Tell him, didn't I tell him to stop drinking so much coffee and to go rest?" I finished changing her and grabbed another towel to finish drying her hair correctly.

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