The end ❤️

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In advance I'm sorry for a short chapter and such a quick ending I will add to it once I can!

I just hate leaving you all in suspense for the next chapter for so long so I'm sorry for that.

Thank you so much for reading my stories it means so much to me and to read all the comments always make me happy!

I won't lie when I'm down or my depression hits me I come back to read all the comments you guys leave and it just make me so happy!

So thank you my lovely readers ❤️🥰🥰🥰

Sasuke POV

I narrowed my eyes at these damn screws I mean how could this be so difficult.

I heard a giggle but I ignored it. Trying to focus on how to build this without looking at those instructions. I had made a bet with the Dobe and I refused to lose.

"Sasuke he's not here and I won't tell!"

I narrowed my eyes even more frowning at the screw that didn't even fit in that hole it was to short.

Why the hell are there small, medium, and large screws! some are longer and some are shorter!


I eyed her as she sat in her rocking chair in all her glory, as the seas breeze flew in threw the open window, the sun reflected on her so magically you would think that she were an Angel.

Her hair in a nice bun on top her head, because she said it bothered her how much it was always in the way, and a nice butterfly pin holding the hair in place. But there were still some loose strands here and there, I blame that on the strong breeze. I remember all the hair being perfectly neat just minutes ago.

30 to be exact.

Her ears and neck were left bare and her nice lavender Kimono hugging her perfectly.

Both hands were on the open book she was reading. Some tale bout an elf prince and a mortal girl. His parents forbade him to come near her, but he refused to listen and looked for her. What he didn't know was that she was held prisoner in his dungeon by his parents.

I only know so much because Hinata tells me about what happens once she finishes each chapter.

I stared at her face as she smiled showing of her teeth and her eyes danced with laughter.

I must say that never have I seen a more beautiful sight then every single day I spend with her.

I stood from my position on the floor and went to her as she rocked herself on that rocking chair.

I still wonder how even that she does with such elegance.

I crouched down and she stopped rocking she already knew what I wanted, so she marked her page, closed her book, and put on the table next to her. as she relaxed, and closed her eyes with a smile still present.

I hummed and placed my hand on her stomach. Immediately I felt the huge kick was more then noticeable.

You could clearly see the dent through her Kimono and I awed at the little being inside.

"Your father should be arriving by now."

"Hai he already sent word ahead he should be here by noon."

"Hn that's soon."

She opened her eyes and she put her hand on top of mine.

"I'm actually starting to get scared."

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