Chapter 7.

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Sasuke POV
I could feel the stares from every single person surrounding us. Hinata picked up different shirts and placed them infront of Yuuto as he stood still with a lop side smile as Hinata switched from a white shirt, back to a red, and navy blue.

I honestly forgot how long we've been here it seems like Hinata was in her zone and she got so excited. She tried to pay a few times but I didn't let her and before she could say to send a bill to the Hyuga I had already paid.

I almost let a smile slip when she bit her lip and hummed again. She turned and grabbed another navy blue shirt with a white stripe on the left.

"Hyuga just get all 4."

"Oh! I don't want you to spend so much Sasuke" her big eyes turned to me while she frowned slightly and stared at the already 5 bags I had with Hitomis outfits and Yuutos pants we still needed to get them shampoo and toothbrushes.

I shrugged "Its fine I have more then enough, besides they need all of this it doesn't bother me to buy them anything they are my kids after all"

I averted my eyes as she smiled at me I looked outside as people passed by.

"Daddy I sleepy"

Hitomi tugged on my cloak and yawned. I smiled lightly, I crouched down and she threw her arms around me and I held her picking her up. She laid her head on my shoulder and not even a moment later she was already fast asleep.

I adjusted her more so she wouldn't fall and turned to see Hinata quickly look away with a red tint on her cheeks.

"Mom it's ok they are all fine" Yuuto shrugged. "Well beside the one with the stripe not that one I do like the red one though"

Hinata nodded and picked up two more in color black we went to pay. I handed the woman the money as she sighed and smiled at me. Her eyes fluttering. I felt her fingers graze my hand but ignored it. I turned and told her to keep the change.

I looked at Hinata as she picked up the bags and had a small frown on her face which looked foreign on her face.

As we walked I took glances as she kept looking around with a frown still on.


She turned and tilted her head as I stared at her.

"we should talk" I turned and walked towards the Uchiha district.

As we got closer I stopped where the Uchiha land starts. Yuuto walked on with a skip in his step. I saw him walk confidently like he knew where everything was and he probably does. He did say that he had been to the leaf a few times.

I looked at the sky as the wind picked up my hair. I took a step and then another and started walking normally. Hinata followed slowly behind. I stopped where a big tree was and there was a huge rock next to it. I leaned on the tree and placed the bags down. I adjusted Hitomi, who was fast asleep, in a princess position as I slowly sat down on the ground with my back to the tree.

Hinata did the same and sat next to me but with space between us. I stared as the clouds passed by it looked like a storm was coming.

I looked around Yuuto had completely disappeared.

"Uhm Sasuke Yuuto is going into some sort of underground door? But as soon as he jumped In and the door closed I can't see his chakra anymore!?"

I looked at her as she had her Byakugan activated and she was staring to her left.

I hummed so he had been here. I wonder what he's looking for?

"Hell be fine"

Hinata disactivated her bloodline and turned to me. She flattened her skirt on her lap and tugged her hair behind her ear as the wind picked up.

"The weathers getting pretty bad maybe we should talk another time"

I was about to stand when her hand flew out and grabbed onto my cloak. I looked towards her and waited. Her hair was bowed a little as she contemplated what ever it was she wanted to tell me. Her knuckles were starting to turn white but she hadn't let go. I silently waited for her to speak.

"Sasuke" she said in a small whisper if I didn't have such great hearing I wouldn't have heard her as the wind whistled.

"S-Sasuke I want to spend time with Yuuto and Hitomi... Get to know them.. I.."

I looked away at the sheer determination she ya din her eyes. I wonder if she thought that I was just going to say that after we got back to the hotel that I was just going to tell her that she can't see them again.

"Hyuga I have no right to keep them from you. Your clan on the other hand I'd rather them be kept away for now"

"Haii I understand.. I... Thank you Sasuke!"

She let go of my cloak and her small hand moved towards Hitomi who was still fast asleep she sleeps like a rock.

Her small dainty finger brushed across her red cheeks and under her eyes.

"She's so cute and both of them so incredible polite!"

"Hmm I'm positive I have you to thank for that.

I hadn't moved due to how close she was I'm not sure if she was aware but her chest was pressed onto my forearm. With this wind I could smell her flowery scent. Like if you were walking through a meadow.

She giggled and smiled up at me.

"Well if it counts you are very welcome Sasuke!"

I nodded once and looked away towards the clouds.

I heard a thunder far away it looked like we still had time before the storm hit.

"I think we should leave now!"

I nodded and stood up Yuuto came running towards us his hair flying in the wind.

He was frowning. As he got close he stopped and hugged out a deep sigh.

"Dad you should really clean that place I never knew it was once this messy.

I shrugged "what were you looking for?"

"Oh I study the Uchiha clans scrolls, everything there is to know. I will be the head one day, when you are not."

I raised a brow at him. "Your trying to take my place so soon, I still have a lot of life in me believe it or not Yuuto" I poked his forehead and he laughed smiling while he rubbed his forehead.

I heard a small giggle from beside me but I didn't look towards her or else I'd be stuck staring at her again.

"Noo dad, but I do want to be prepared, besides I like learning about our clan. You... you don't talk much about it"

I stared at Yuuto as he averted his eyes. I poked his forehead again and picked up the bags and started walking away. I stopped and turned to look at his panicked eyes.

"I'll tell you when your older" I smiled and turned to keep on walking.

"Ugh you always say that!"

Little by little our Ship is being built guys. 😍😭 I didn't want this story to go to fast 💨 so their love is going to be slow but it'll be worth the wait.💖💖

Littlebear🐻🐻 out ✌🏼✌🏼🤟🏼

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