Chapter 4.

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Ok so In the last chap. We had what was going on so from now on it will be all about young SasuHina and Yuuto and Hitomi 💖 thank you to my readers I know you guys are probably tired of hearing this buut thank you for the votes and comments I love the comments most because you guys make me smile 😊

Alright to the story we go 😘🌬🎇🎆

Sasuke POV

I could not believe this here I am 19 years old, and out of the blue two kids appear, and to top all this insane Sunday of, the mother of my future kids is a girl that I have never even talked to. Oh wait no, the most insane part is that she's my best friends Girlfriend..... or ex girlfriend!?

I closed my eyes and exhaled a deep breath, this is insane I'm about to get a headache.

I looked down at my chest where my Future daughter is wrapped around my chest like a little monkey, fast asleep.

She ate about 2 meat buns and a water bottle and soon started to fall asleep. Right away she walked up to me half asleep and climbed onto my lap getting comfy and dozing of.

I was a little stunned at the fact that she had no fear of me is this what it feels like to have kids? This extreme overprotectiveness.

I heard a yawn and I turned to watch as my son woke up. He stretched and started to sit up straight slowly not fully waking up yet. His fists rubbed his eyes and another yawn left him as his onyx eyes opened instantly, and he stood up right away looking around.

His eyes quickly scanning and taking in his surroundings. He looks towards me, Hitomi, Shikamaru, Kakashi, back to me and finally ending at Hitomi. He quickly walked towards me and stood infront of me staring at my arm over Hitomi so she wouldn't fall, but I'm sure it would be impossible considering how tightly she was holding onto my cloak.

He grabbed the back pack he was carrying before he passed out that was beside my feet and looked through it, locating what he was looking for. He took out a snake stuffy that looked very similar to Aoda. He looked towards me and stared into my eyes I stared back and moved my hand so he could take her.

He slowly tried lifting her but she held on tight making a small noise, that made it clear that if she fully woke up there would be hell to pay, he slowly took her hand and put it on the stuffy. Once she noticed what her hand was holding she completely let go of me and snuggled the Aoda stuffy quickly cuddling up with it and falling back into her deep slumber.

Yuuto quickly took he rin his arms and put her on the the seat he was just laying on. Hitomi was smaller so she fit very comfortably.

Yuuto looked out the window and saw that it was already dark. He sighed and looked around once again. He smiled at me and bowed.

"I'm sorry if Hitomi was any trouble!"

"Don't be, on the contrary she was a good girl very polite and talkative!" Kakashi answered.
"Which is quite rare considering who the parents are!" Kakashi chuckled lightly.

I grunted ignoring his comment and Yuuto frowned.

"What do you mean?" He asked Kakashi with a tilt of his head making a confused face.

Kakashi cleared his throat and looked towards me for help, I only smirked his way and lifted my eyebrow.

"Well Yuuto I-I-."

We heard a grumbling noice and we turned towards Yuuto whose face started turning different shades of red. From light blush to the deepest red I have ever seen I think he actually might faint.

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