Chapter 6.

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Hey my lovely's I will be doing short Hinata POVs as most of you guys know I feel more comfortable in doing Sasukes POV for some reason lol 😂

Sooo on to the story 😘 no one wants to read the author chatting away for no reason 😝 when you all came here to read the story lol 😂

Hinata POV
  I smiled at a vendor as I passed by. I was on my way to go see Sasuke and ask about those children they have been on my mind this whole time.

I bit my lip and frowned, before the Hyuga elders find out about that little girl that has one Hyuga eye. She looks a lot like me but that's impossible. I'm just so confused and I need answers.

I went into the Inn and asked the kind gentleman behind the desk.

"Excuse me which room is Uchiha Sasuke staying in?"

"Oh umm I'm not sure if I can answer that question Lady Hyuga!"

"Oh it's alright he just arrived with two kids and I'm a nurse, who came to check on them so don't worry!" I lied I'm sure he wouldn't have told me other wise.

I hate lying but it's apart of being a ninja. You have to learn to say lies like you are talking completely normal.

"Ahh yes your right he's on the second floor in room 8 Lady Hyuga!"

"Thank you! Have A good day!"I smiled and walked towards the stairs. I searched for room 8 and finally found it I took a deep breath and knocked twice.

The door slightly opened and after Sasuke noticed it was me he opened it a little wider. I looked towards the two kids who were chatting together and looking out of the window.

Last night when the little boy was close to fighting Naruto I was startled everyone loves Naruto specially little kids. But these two seemed scared and angry of and at him.

Sasuke POV
I hummed as I listened to Hitomi babble in about I have no idea anymore she switches to different topics. I stared at her as she hugged Aoda stuffy and ate her tomato soup that I got for them. We got back and they quickly ate.

I looked towards the bed as The Little Hyuga Heiress was still fast asleep. It's been about two hours you would think that after fainting she would wake up soon but it seem fatigue of her worrying about Yuuto and Hitomi the whole time got to her.

"Dad can I ask you something?"

I looked at Yuuto who had his hair in a bun and a few loose strands of baby hair loose. His eyes same as mine with a little curiosity in them.


Yuuto smiled and looked back at Hinata.

"Do you think we could meet grandfather?"

I raised a brow and stared as he looked at me with hopeful eyes.

"Hyuga Hiashi"

Yuuto nodded and his eyes grew bigger I shook my head and his eyes looked at the table he picked up his spoon and continued eating with not another word.

I looked towards Hitomi who was staring back and forth and then stared at her soup without looking away.

I would have said yes but as of right now I don't know how this new will affect the Hyuga clan and I sure am not taking any chances of them being taken away from me.

I glanced toward Hinata.

"You don't have to pretend anymore"

Hinata slowly got up and flattened her hair she moved herself so she could sit on the bed and her eyes darted to us and stayed longer on Hitomi who was smiling widely and waving, while hugging Aoda stuffy.

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