Chapter 10.

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Hinata POV


"Huh" I looked up at Naruto and he frowned, and then it was quickly wiped away with a defeated sigh.

"I-I well how about we go take a walk Hinata?"

I looked down at my now cold cup of tea and my pastry, that I'm sure by now was cold also.

I nodded once and stood automatically walking out the door first, letting the fresh air cool my face.  I needed fresh air.

I sighed and looked around, There was  a vender that sold Tomatoes, I noticed how the sunlight made them shine and you could instantly tell just how juicy they were, just by how they looked.

Sasuke would always steal one and quickly bite into it, as soon as he would see them. I giggled at the memory of how he would close his eyes and savor the first bite.

Before I knew it I had picked out at-least 5 big tomatoes.

"Hmm I thought you hated tomatoes?"

I squeaked and turned to Naruto who was looking at me curiously.

I smiled, and took deep breaths, to calm my blushed face.

"I-I don't h-hate them, I just didn't really use to like them much...but with a little salt they actually taste really good as a s-snack! Thank you sir!"

I smiled and paid for my tomatoes. I walked towards a park near by that was a little farther away and we could talk a little privately.

I stared around and frowned I really had hoped to see Hitomi and Yuuto. It's been 3 days and I've been prohibited from going anywhere near them.

I activated my Byakugan for a second and there was one Hyuga guard tailing my every move. I sighed and sat down at a farther bench away from the little play ground.

Kids of different ages played around with wooden shuriken.

I smiled at one brown haired boy who duked just in time before one of the toys hit him in the face.

"y-hey Hinata.."

"Huh Yes?"

I turned to Naruto and he sighed hunching foreword and resting his elbows on his knees.

"Hinata what's really going on? These rumors going around, ..... you disappearing on me for days, I couldn't get in touch with you..... Somethings been eating me up for a while now."

I nodded and looked away from his serious face I looked back over at the kids running around.

"Have you been secretly seeing Sasuke?"

"W-well I never really snuck around per-say... when I would go see him!"

As soon as I finished that sentence I quickly realized what it had sounded like, my face heated up, and I started stumbling with my words, and waving my hands back and forth.

"I-I w-wai-wait t-that's not-t wh-what I mean.. I-."

"I just want a yes or no. Have you been seeing Sasuke in a more then friendly way?"

I stared at the side of his face and actually saw a side of him I didn't think was possible.

The guy next to me.. I didn't recognize, he had a deep scowl with a dark aura radiating from him. I instantly scooted away a little. My ninja instincts were on high alert, of Danger, that you experience, only when you are near an enemy.

His knuckle turned white from the intensity of his fist.

I stood and was about to take a step back from him, instinct alone, when his quick hand quickly wrapped around my wrist.

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