Chapter 3.

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No one POV

Sasuke could feel his chakra decreasing and as soon as his kids disappeared from view he coughed and blood poured out. His hands fell and he crouched down holding his stomach.


"Please Kami keep them safe." He whispered as he looked up and stared at the spot they had just disappeared from.

He felt Hinatas arms hold him and he felt the tremors her body went through.

Sasuke and Hinata held each other hoping they had gone through and they were now safe.

Sasuke POV.

I could not believe it, everything went to hell.

I heard a roar and I looked up at the caves ceiling as it trembled and rocks and dust fell.

"He's here!"

I looked at Hinata as her Byakugan was activated. I love this woman, she stayed strong through everything. She loved me and I loved her. I never thought I'd feel so much love from and for someone and then my love grew more as my son and daughter were born. My two miracles it was a surprise when we found out that our son was born.

The first time she was pregnant ended badly in a miscarriage but not by nature it was His fault.


I heard Hinatas sobs I squeezed her softly and looked at her and lifted her face.

"Hina I need you to run away-."

"N-noo I will not leave you alone-."

"Listen Hinata I need you to replenish your chakra and once you do I need you to go back in time once I destroy him and bring our miracles back. I want them to at least have one pare-."

"No no noo Sasuke I can't lose you- I need you Sasuke... please!"

I stared as her beautiful eyes she'd tear after tear down her face. As her face showed the fear she felt at loosing me, and that just encouraged me more at taking the sacrifice of loosing my life for her to live.

I leaned down and kissed her, I kissed her showing her the love I felt fo her. Her arms wrapped around my neck and I wrapped my arms around her delicate waist and pulled her flush against my body.

A sob escaped her after I leaned a little away. Leaning my forehead against hers and kept my eyes closed.

I smiled "Hinata I lived and loved thanks to you, for 8 years I felt alive and loved. Thank you, you gave me more than what I have or would have ever wished for"

I felt her pull me closer and the small cries that escaped her. I held her closer also and sighed.

"I need you to survive for me and our babies I need you to survive for our family our love."

Hinata leaned back and stared at me. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath letting it out and smiled widely at me.

My eyes widened as she let her chakra go, I felt it, the same feeling I felt the 3 times she was pregnant. Her chakra always intensified I felt my chakra inside of her.


"I was going to tell you but when all this started I couldn't, you had to focus and you wouldn't have allowed me to help you as much as you did. I'm sorry I hid this but I needed to be included so I could help you. I felt it was the only way."

I stared at her and I kissed her again she was too much, she might think that I'm mad but that isn't even close. I'm so happy and I need her safe.

There was only one way for her to survive. I hope she forgives me in time. I put my hand on her stomach and I felt the intensified chakra inside,  her stomach was starting to grow with the smallest of bump I could clearly feel it. If I had to guess she was about 3/4 months along.

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