Chapter 15.

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Hinata POV

"Mommy want daddy?" I smiled and organized the vase of flowers Sasuke left.

"Hitomi your father left not even 10 minutes ago."

I looked at her as she looked outside her different eyes looking sad.

"He will miss the feshtival. Allll the yummy food and cool games!"

I smiled and patted her head.

"He will be back before you know it. Now how about some breakfast?"

"Haiii mommy!"

I smiled and turned towards the rising sun. He must have left already. Yuuto was with father and had been staying there for 1 month now. That's how long Hitomi has been here. A serious of different tests have been done but nothing is wrong she is in top condition.

With the help of father and I we helped Hitomi slowly control her Byakugan.

What ever father saw it hasn't happened again and only the Byakugan activates. She says she can see far away and everything you see with the Byakugan except it is only on one eye.

I sighed and looked at the flowers one more time and smiled. Sasukes and I relationship had gone from one to a hundred. I know we shouldn't have but... I blushed at remembering what happend 2 weeks ago.

We went to his home and had a relaxing night as Hanabi stayed with Hitomi and Yuuto stayed with father.

Flash back

"Go on now you both need a break I'm here to protect her alright."


Sasuke and I stayed facing the door that was just slammed in our faces. We were forcedly pushed out the room and outside into the corridor.

"Uhm h-have you eaten anything S-Sasuke?"

"Hn lets go."

I didn't say anything further and just followed behind him. He had been arguing with the elders about some "careful measures"  they wish to take in affect regarding Hitomi but those requirements are for her to stay in that room for who knows how long.

It's an absolute no and they seemed to be obsessed of the possibility of Hitomi having both the Sharingan and Byakugan.

"Sasuke how about I cook us a light sooo it's already dinner time but I don't feel like having a big dinner."

Sasuke looked at me and nodded and we both walked through the familiar path to his apartment.

Once we got there I busied my self with making some tea, small sandwiches and tomato soup.

Once done I called Sasuke in but he was concentrated in some scrolls from the Uchiha compound bolt he hadn't read and has been studying for a couple of days now.

"Hinata come"

I jumped and blushed realizing I had just been staring at him like a weirdo this whole time.

I walked slowly and sat beside him as he handed me a scroll and drank from his tea.

"If there would ever be an issue with a Uchiha and Hyuga having a child it would be more advised for them to leave Konoha. The elders no matter who they are will always obsess over powerful shinobi.

All they truly want is to have control over the most powerful. Do not trust Konoha."

"Huh do you think you read this and that is why we no longer live in Konoha?"

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