Chapter 2.

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Noones POV.
Yuuto held his little sister by the hand as she walked beside him and her curious eyes danced around. She had never been to the leaf village her grandfather would always go see them along with her aunt Hanabi.

"Yuuto where we? Mommy an daddy?"

Yuuto smiled at his 3 year old sister her vocabulary was always clear she is a fast learner like him.

Hitomis eyes watered all she wanted was to be held by her daddy or mommy like she always was. She was glad her hero big brother was with her.

"D-Don't worry we'll see them soon." Hitomi sniffled and wiped her eyes she lifted her hands to be picked up.

Yuuto smiled and picked her up. She laid her head on his shoulder and sighed she was tired and hungry. Yuuto turned and frowned as the 3 big men stared at him and his sister.

"You know kid it would be easier if you let us carry you..." Kankuro said crouching to seem less menacing by smiling at Yuuto.

"No." Yuuto stated firmly he didn't want his sister to be kidnapped, even though he was tired, and his feet hurt, he refused to let strange people touch him and his sister.

Kankuro sighed and stood up walking again. Shikamaru glanced at the kids they both looked like a mixture of Hinata and Sasuke for sure but how? Now Shikamaru is known for always finding an answer for everything, but this he only had one answer time travel. Because Hinata and Sasuke were 18 years old it's beyond impossible for them to have had kids at age 13.

Now how does he know Hinata is the mother well the little girl looks exactly like Hinata when she was small but this little girl had longer hair and in a ponytail. Shikamaru could be wrong, in the mother being Hinata, but his gut told him it was her and his gut never lied... well so far.

The boy with onyx eyes looked around 6/7 years old, while the little girl had both uchiha and Hyuga eyes looked around 3 years old.

But how Uchiha Sasuke and Hyuga Hinata ended up together now that is a mystery not even he could solve.

"Hmm what's your sisters name Yuuto?" Shikamaru said softly with a soft smile on his face.

Yuuto glanced at the man with pineapple hair and glanced away staring straight ahead again.


Shikamaru smiled, the kid sure acted like Sasuke but his stutter that comes out reminds him of Hinata also.

Yuuto stopped as he felt his fathers chakra he looked around and started running, he could feel the strong chakra up ahead. Could his favor gone through the portal just like them ? if he did he wants to see him right away.!

"K-Kami let it be father.!"

He ran even as he heard his name being called out. He saw a tall building he recognized as the Hokage tower he ran and ran, ran up the stairs, ran down the corridor.

He finally stopped at a door and swung it open. It slammed against the wall and he walked in huffing.

Hitomi who was hanging on for dear life picked her head up and her eyes watered instantly as they located a pair of mismatched eyes she recognized right away. She wiggle out of her brothers arms and ran towards the tall figure.

She hugged a leg and sobbed out.

"Daddy I hungry! Miss you."

Sasuke who was in a meeting with Kakashi stared at the little girl with bewilderment. Who are these kids he turned to a kid with dirty clothes and with what looked like spots of blood on his clothes. He had all black on and a backpack that looked way too big on the kid.

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