Chapter 5.

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Noones POV.

Sasuke stared at the children that were both fast asleep on the bed he removed his cloak and sword next and sat down on the chair next to a desk infront of the window in the small Inn.

He was completely unsettled with the fact that he had no idea how to take care of children specially babies and Hitomi while she did not look that young she still was almost like a babie. Sasuke put both his elbows on the desk and closed his eyes listening to his surroundings he was always great full to the fact that all his senses were in the same league as his strong bloodline.

Well it seems his son carries his strong bloodline with no Byakugan, but he's unsure. Maybe something could happen and the Byakugan could interfere, or combine with the Sharingan in a later time. With two bloodlines that have never been mixed you just never know for certain.

Sasuke listened to the steady breaths of both his children. His eyes opened slowly as he saw the sun starting to rise with everything that has happened so far he hadn't noticed that he had been awake for so long. He's just been sitting thinking about housing situation for them, because truth be told he didn't want to have to ask for any help if he could help it.

He also ha son idea how long they would be staying or if something went wrong and they just suddenly disappeared or what if someone kidnapped them and he just thought that they had went back to their respectful time and he ha son idea and their eyes were taken and they were tied up in a creepy cell and he had no idea.... he frowned at were his train of thought was going.

Sasuke thought that he was right his train of thought was just going crazy with worry. He sighed and leaned back against the chairs back rest and folded his arms. He heard the covers moving and a muffled yawn accompanied with a soft grown and more tussle of the sheets.

He turned fully to face his daughter as she slowly sat up and rubbed her eyes and moved her hair out of her face. Her dark straight hair completely crazy like she had wrestled with a bear.

Sasuke softly smiled as her eyes started focusing more and more with the strong light coming in. It was a little strange as one eye was onyx and the other a strange lavender grayish. But none the less still cute.

Her eyes finally focused on him and she quickly smiled and started moving to get of the bed. Sasuke stood up to try and help but she slowly got on her stomach and started wiggling her small body to get down. She slowed down and tried to let her toe feel the floor fist before letting go of the sheets.

Either way Sasuke was ready to catch her Incase she fell but she safely touched her feet on the floor and stretch just like Sasuke does every morning he wakes.

Sasuke frowned and thought that he should first get the kids clothes they are in dire need of a shower and everything else.

Sasuke looked softly open his daughter as she touched her toes with her fingers and then stood back up count until 5 and the pushing her hair back and smiling at Sasuke.

"Gudmoning daddy!" Of course She had a respectful and soft spoken voice. Sasuke sure wasn't surprised even though Yuuto looked like a kid who had mostly Sasukes temper he was very much respectful in the way he spoke and acted.

To that he is sure he owes it to Hinata no doubt.

"Goodmorning Hitomi did you sleep well"

"Mhm I shure did dad an I hads a pretty dream with Aoda too!"

"Hm you like Aoda that much"

"Mhm he lets me an Yuuto ride on him."

Sasuke raised an eyebrow at her did he now. Aoda was a trustworthy snake so maybe he did let them ride on him.

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