Chapter 11.

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Sasuke POV

I stared at her back as she walked towards my bedroom. She's completely exhausted that's not good for her health.

"Hey dad?"

I turned to Yuuto and he held up the bag that Hinata left on the ground, after the kids tackled her to the ground.

"Is mom going to be ok? She doesn't look so good."

I walked towards him and placed my hand on his head. He smiled and I looked towards the door as someone knocked softly.

I went towards the door and opened it, and there was a young boy around Yuutos age who was breathing deeply and smiling big, showing a missing front tooth.

"Hello sir, is Yuuto here, (takes deep breath) he said he'd play with us yesterday!"

I raised a brow and 3 more kids skidded to a stop laughing. It looked like they were racing. I turned towards Yuuto who was smiling widely.

I raised a brow and turned to the other kids as they said "pleeaasseeee" all in unison, smiling huge and with hands clasped Infront of them begging.

They all looked alike, with brown hair and brown eyes, well the one that knocked had green eyes. It looked like the other 3 were triplets.

Before I could say no, Kakashi appeared. He had his normal clothes on, not showing his position, which only means this pervert Ninja managed to slip away from his guards, again.

"Let the child be a child Sasuke. He's safe in the leaf."

"Hn that's what you think." I crossed my arms and leaned my shoulder on the door. I looked down at Yuuto who had his head down. I thought he'd at least plead his case but no he just accepted my decision.

"It's not like you can't keep an eye on him yourself,.. while you stay here."

I looked towards Kakashi who had his hands on two of the boys heads, who said "pleaseee" softly again.

I knew what he meant, just make a clone to follow Yuuto, and he's right. I looked towards Yuuto who looked up at me with those big eyes. I shrugged and nodded. His eyes lit up and an instant smile appeared on his face. He bowed and hugged my waist before walking out the door.

"Thanks Grandpa!" I was about to tell him about his sandals when I noticed he had them on already. I raised a brown but then noticed the bag still in his hands.

"Ah Yuuto the bag." Yuuto skidded to a stop along with the other kids and his mouth formed into an O, running to hand me the bag and running back to his new found friends.

I quickly made a clone and he raced of. I looked back to Kakashi who was reading his notorious book. I rolled my eyes and walked inside my home.

"To what do I owe your presence Hokage." I smirked as I looked inside the bag. Of course she would.

"What? Wanting to visit my sweet student and see how he's doing isn't enough."

I sat down placing the bag next to me and picking up a scroll, not bothering to answer towards that question. After a while he sighed deeply and plopped on the other couch.

"Fine here's the deal-."

"If it requires a mission give it to someone else. I'm sure many are capable. I'm not leaving them alone."

"Sasuke they are safe I'll lay down my life to keep it that way."

"And if your life happens to be laid down, at that moment who else will do it. If you are not there to order it. I will not play with my children's lives like that. Besides like I said before anyone else can do i-."

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