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- Rosè


'm here, right in front of Lisa's house.
I have entered from the gate, I know every code but I am hesitating to go inside.

There's something wrong...
I know that, just by knowing that she left her work for today, I already knew that something's going on.

And what worries me more is that...
She haven't called me or just even texted me to let me know that she'll leave. And her silence is the most bothering thing.

"What's happening to you?"
        I whispered, talking to her but facing the shiny brown door.

I may look idiot...
But I am literally worried.

I have texted her that I will come two hours ago, and seems like her phone is eight feet under the soil, she's neither responding nor seeing my messages.

"This bitch is making me want to curse."
         I commented before deciding to press the buttons for the passcode.

And even before I had pressed the last digit...
The door opened, a man in grayish blonde hair appeared, wearing an apron, holding a vacuum, and having that surprised expression.

         He toned it questionable.

"Where's Lisa?"
         I asked...

And it took him seconds before signaling me to come in.
But before I entered, my eyes examined his facial expression, the way his eyes landed on the ground while giving me the way to enter, the way his shoulders are not proudly composed, the way he loosely grip on the vacuum...

I'm not a phsychologist, but I am old enough to see what a person is thinking. It may not be the most precise guess, but I can predict at least the half of it.

I can say...
These two had something maybe yesterday or earlier for her to take a leave on work.

"She's in her room. She said she'll rest."
         He informed with a low toned voice.

Low toned voice indicating apologetic and sympathetic emotion.

"Why? I mean, what happened? Is she sick?"
         I asked, though I know, he might be clueless.

"She said, she's on her period."
         He answered while looking at the door of her room upstairs.

        I am honestly confused...

He nodded.

"Well, then...she's lying."

I know when she'll get her period, and she just ended two weeks ago. It should be not exactly one month but twenty eight days or near to that date.

"Oh, okay, okay. I'll go upstairs."
           I motioned and had taken steps already but was halted when he spoke...

"Can you do me a favor?"

         So sudden, but I already had sensed that it's for Lisa so I looked back at him and gave him a questionable look.

"Please tell her to eat, she haven't eaten yet since last night."
          His eyes are full of worry, sincerity and love but there's something in it...

There's something in him that what I feel is wrong.

"Mm, sure. I won't leave this house without her eating a meal."
         I answered and nodded before continuing on going up.

Once I reached her door...
I stopped for a little moment...
My mind went blank.

I shook.my head few times and tried opening her door...


I clicked my tongue in annoyance.
But as what I have said earlier, I know every pass code here in this facility.

I entered her room code.
And guess, it opened.

I slowly opened it...
And immediately saw her image lying down...
Tucked under the blanket, giving me a shock expression.

"I have bombarded you with messages. I almost sent a missile here cause you're not answering anything. And that guy on the living room is worried, he told me.you baven't eaten yet since last night? You, leaving on work is still acceptable, but you, not eating anything for more than twelve hours means something surreal."
       I started ranting...

"What's the point of these? These skipping meals and leaving your work which you said to be your passion ever since we are still in college? What's happening?"
         I entered, closed her door and locked it just in case it has really something to do with that person in the living area.

"What's cooking? Where's the answer, Lalisa?"
          I asked while walking towards her.

"Stop raising your voice like I did something hilarious. I'm just tired, and I have my..."
          I cute her off when I know she'll say the same thing as what she said to Suga.

"Period? Is that it?"
        Crossing my arms, leaning my whole body to a foot and raising an eyebrow.

"You're definitely lying."
         As her head tilted for her to look at me, I commented.

"You're going to lie to me? You just ended your period two weeks ago. And your period is regular and normal, how come that you'll have your period now? Stop being a lair, Lalisa, you're not good at it."
         I commanded after concluding.

She just sighed and went off from her bed.
She went to the bathroom.for a second, got a wet towel and started wiping herself with it.

"I don't want to go out as of now."
         She responded...

"I'm just tired with shits. But I will go to work tomorrow."
         She added. Eyes on her arms as she continued wiping herself with the wet towel.

"Eat and tell me everything, then I'll go."
        I commanded, with eyes seriously staring at hers.

"I'm fine, don't both...."
        I cut her off for the second time.

"You can't always eat everything by yourself. You need to spit some out too. That'll get you suffer to anxiety or worse, to depression."
         I stated.

She just rolled her eyes and shook her head...
She was about to walk back to the bathroom, maybe to put back the towel but I saw her...

My eyes caught her clutching her head.

I wasn't able to speak as I examined her action.
Then, I heard her moan in pain.

       I was cut off by myself when I saw her falling...

"Suga! Suga!"
        I yelled for help and in no time, I heard his fast footsteps on the stairs.

I went straight to her.
She is whimpering for a pain, but it seems like she's getting unconscious.

My eyes scanned the whole room...
Until my eyes landed on the desk...
Where a bottle medicine is placed on.

"Why do you keep on being stubborn?"

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