Chapter Seven: My... Mother...

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Eren's eyes widened but soon looked down to his hands, curling them into fists remembering his mother before she died. At some point his sense of hearing stopped working and everything around him seemed to be moving in slow motion, then right before him he saw his mother at the foot of his bed wearing her gentle and caring smile. She had opened her mouth to speak but he couldn't hear or understand what she was saying, thus making his sight blurry as his eyes began to swell with tears. He must have been stuck in the vision because the nurse almost had to shout for him to hear her, bringing him back to reality.

" Eren?! Are you okay? Do you need more time before you ans-"

" NO! I... I mean... No, I'm fine. I'm okay, I'll answer them."

" Are you sure? I don't want to upset you or anything like that unless you're for sure that you want to do this." Julia informed Eren as she didn't want to hurt him in anyway.

The teen nodded so Julia cleared her throat and asked the question again, " Alright. So, do you remember what happened to your mother?" She paused to wait for an answer, holding her writing utensil close to the paper.

Eren took a few seconds before answering her as he knew that there was no going back when he started, " M... My mother, she died five years ago. When the colossal titan breached Wall Maria, she got stuck under the debris from the house we lived in. At the time I was with Armin and Mikasa, where we saw the colossal titan for our selves." He paused to take in a breath sincec he noticed his voice was quivering a bit, " Mikasa and I ran back to the house and tried to get her out, but it proved fruitless. That's when Mr. Hannes showed up."

Julia was writing all the information down and stopped where Eren stopped speaking. She waited but it was a couple of minutes that passed by so she spoke up, " What happened when Mr. Hannes came? Did he try to help?"

The teen was starting to shake a little bit but it wasn't visible to the two adults, Julia and Levi, to notice. He gulped and began to speak again, " He said that he would kill the titan that was coming towards us, but the next thing I know he came running back and took me and Mikasa away from our mother... and started to run. I watched my mother g... get eaten alive... The next thing I know, she was just... just gone... she was gone, and I watched it all happen... right before, my eyes..." Eren had shut his eyes tightly, lowering his head and curling his hands tighter, trying not to break out crying. It was easier said than done when it came to reliving his past, he watched his mother disappear from existence right before his eyes and he hasn't seen his father in five years. He slowly opened his eyes when he heard the nurse stop writing, but his sight remained fixed on his hands.

" I'm very sorry Eren, about what had happened to your Mother. If you don't mind me asking one more question on this topic, could you tell me her name? Your Mother."

" Carla. Carla Jaeger."

Julia quickly wrote it down and thanked him. They continued asking him about past events that happened around him, but some he couldn't answer because he couldn't remember them happening. Soon the questioning was over, but it was almost time for dinner for everyone in the Scouts, Eren didn't care much about that though since he had lost his appetite when the questioning began. Julia had left him with Levi to go analyze the answers she had written down to the reports and documents on Eren, and had left with a glass of water and some soft food to eat. Historia lay in her bed but she wasn't asleep while they were questioning Eren, instead she pretended to be asleep and heard his answers and learned more about him than she already knew. She couldn't help but weep silent tears when she heard about his mother, the deaths of his squad back in Trost, and the deaths of the Levi squad.

Levi had learned more about his lover's past, so he wouldn't need to go looking for the documents themselves. However, even though the man has changed doesn't mean that he is one hundred percent over his sadistical behavior. He still yearns to ravish his lover but still show that he loves him, but he swore to himself that he wouldn't harm Eren in any way. So if he was going to leave him so that he could restart in life, he would need someone to fulfill his desires.

While the Captain was thinking about that, his gaze never left the teen sitting in his bed, but what concerned him was that Eren had been sitting in the same position since Julia had left. Hunched over, hands covering his face, and irregular breathing every now and then. He was growing more and more worried as he watched this continue.

" Eren, are you sure you made the right call back there? You don't look good at al-" He stopped dead in his tracks when he saw his lovers face when he looked up at him.

Sunken eyes rounded with a tinge of red, pale face and lips, messy hair, trembling hands, and a shaking body. He looked far worse than anything he's seen in other people, so he got hold of the glass of water on the nightstand along with a couple pills that would help him.

" Here, take them. They'll help you get better." The teen took the items carefully almost like a he were being controlled. All of a sudden, Levi thought of a question for Eren as he wanted to hear him talk only to him, " Eren, what kind of person was your Mother, Carla?"

Eren took a few seconds before answering, " I couldn't have asked for a better mother. She was kind, caring, very protective, sweet, and neutering. If only I hadn't of taken all of it for granted, if only I hadn't always argued with her, if only I had said " I love you" to m... my mother..." Levi could feel his pain as he remembered his own past and how his mother was like before she died.

The man took hold of Eren's hand, and expecting for him to take back his hand, he left it in his grasp. Levi felt as though Eren were trying his best to remember everything, but was somewhat failing. He tightened his hold of the teen's hand and caressed it, as if to soothe him from all the painful memories he has, " Shhh... It's okay now, Eren. Nothing is going to hurt you, and I'll make sure of that."

That was the last thing Eren heard before he fell asleep in the bed.

AN: IK IK IK, this is kind of late but I keep telling you guys it's my homework for school and yeah, but at least I'm updating this. So I wanted to put something in where both Levi and Historia learn about Eren's past, so here it is. I hope you liked it!!! 


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