Chapter Twenty-Four: I didn't mean for this...

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Levi quickly dismissed the thought of suicide but there were voices in his head urging him on to do so, yet again he dismissed them. He got up from the bed, of which Eren had witnessed him and the Commander together in such a way that he feared the teen wouldn't give him a chance to speak. The man walked over to the showers with one of the sheets he'd pulled off the bed to cover himself and brought his clothes with him. When he arrived at his destination he didn't give a second thought about turning on the water to the hottest temperature and stepping under the faucet, the water was as cold as it would be from outside due to the winter season coming in sooner than last year, but he didn't care. Eventually the temperature began to rise to the burning hot temperature he'd set it on and began to clean himself from the disgrace of a Commander. Afterwards he dried himself off and dressed, leaving shortly after finishing. The man didn't bother in making Erwin's bed so he only tossed the sheet he used onto the bed and left the room.

He walked around the hallways and corridors holding his arms close to himself and watching the passing stones in the floor as he walked on. Then man had reached the end of a hallway and sighed as it was another dead end, when he turned around he heard a voice shouting for help. His first instinct was that it might've been Eren who called in distress so he allowed his feet to carry him to where the voice was coming from. His speed only increased as the cry for help only seemed to cry in a more hurried tone, and when he reached where the voice was coming from his face immediately became distraught from the sight. What was displayed before him was a blonde male, much younger than the man, shaking the shoulder of a body he had known too well. The body laid still on the floor, silky brown hair fallen over their face, blood spilling from their mouth and what looked like from their eyes as well. The person who lay there... was Eren.

Levi didn't spare a single thought rushing to the youth in urgency, trying his best not to shove the blonde male too harshly. The young blonde next to him was one of Eren's friends, Armin Arlert.

" How long has he been like this?!" Levi asked quickly as he took off his jacket and wrapped it around his love.

" I don't know! He screamed out in pain when I came in here so I rushed over to him, I didn't know what to do so... I... I couldn't do anything for him, I could only cry for someone, anyone to come help." Armin told his Captain painfully, like he had told his cowardice within him.

Levi looked back to Eren, frantically looking for his pulse, and found it. Strong but slow, but it was there. He carefully made the teen sit up, embraced him briefly, and picked him up. He didn't care if anyone saw him carrying Eren bridal style, he didn't care what the others would think about the display, as long as he could get this precious youth to his room and treat him then everything would be fine. The man grew too anxious having everyone starring at them so he started to jog his way to his room, he got there sooner than he'd thought. He quickly and carefully lay the teen onto the bed so he could go over to the door and close it, he left it unlocked in case of any questions in the future.

After he had treated Eren he decided to lay down next to him, he knew that Eren wouldn't want to be near him after seeing such a undesirable act, but then again he never thought that Eren would come looking for him. ' Unless... Was he looking for Commander Erwin?! If so then... he had heard me tell him that I went to go meet with him... ' Levi heard a muffled groan come from the younger male beside him, but he remained still. He didn't want to cause any distress as soon as he had awoken. He simply wore a desolate expression and stared into the pillow, he didn't bother in hiding his face or moving away.

Eren had woke up and felt another's presence next to him, he slowly sat up and looked over to see who was next to him, but soon regretted doing so. His breathing became chaotic and his heart was pounding again, just like when he had saw the Commander and his Captain together like that. The teen was about to rush out of the bed before he heard his Captain's cool yet saddened voice.

" I didn't mean for this... for this to happen... You know that right? The Commander, Erwin Smith, he's been forcing me to do that with him unless I give you back to him." Levi took in a breath of air and huffed out a silent and frustrated sob, " Like hell I'm allowing that to happen! I shouldn't of left you by yourself, I shouldn't have left..."

" Why are you telling me this now?! What could you possibly be trying to gain from this conversation?!" Eren couldn't handle it, he couldn't handle being with Levi anymore, or so he thought.

" Because if I don't think of something you'll end up dying!!! Just like... just like them... Petra, Oluo, Gunther, Eld, Isebelle, Farlan... my mother... I don't want to lose you either! I don't want to be alone again, not again, when you had told me you had loved me I didn't know how to respond and I certainly didn't mean to leave like that. In actuality, I was so happy. I thought, I won't have to be alone anymore, but then some secret side of me had emerged and I couldn't suppress it. I... I just don't want to lose you, Eren."

Something inside of Eren had sparked and a warm heat inside had remained there for about a minute, and he could feel his insides twist and turn a little, but soon felt whatever it was that moved fit into it's rightful position. ' Fix yourself Eren! Don't you see he needs you! ' Eren's eyes had turned from his minty emerald to a bright custard yellow. He felt so guilty, so selfish, so arrogant. His Captain needed him, and shockingly... he needed Levi just as much.

AN: Welp, I think this is two chapters in one day. Soo I might have a little fluff in the next chapter and it might lead into some smut but I'm not sure yet. Also I'm thinking of writing a new Fanfiction with Eren x Levi, but I'm going to postpone it till I finish my other stories I've been writing for a while now, which will take a long ass time, but hey it gives me an objective. Another reason why I'm putting it on hold is because I don't want it to end up like the others, getting left in the stock pile of stories I need to finish, and another reason is because I think I'll improve on my writing a bit cuz of English class so yeah... Hope you enjoyed and I'll you in the next one!!!


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