Chapter Twenty-One: I Just Didn't Succeed

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The kisses kept coming and it was becoming difficult to breathe, he couldn't do anything to get his superior off of him because the man had  his hands above his head in his grasp. Just when he felt like he had lost his breath the man released him from the long and passionate kiss, both of them breathing hard to regain the air they had lost within it. Levi only took a few seconds before lowering his head down towards the teen's neck, there he felt his Captain start kissing, licking, and sucking his neck. With his field of sight blocked, all his senses were heightened, making the pleasure double over. Eren tried his best to hold back his moans and whimpers, but something had fallen down, allowing his mind to take in and accept the pleasure he was receiving and let his voice out.

" Haa... Lev-vi! Not s... so fast! Ah!" Eren heard a faint chuckle in turn.

" I'm sorry Eren, I've tried my best to hold back but you have no idea how much I missed hearing that sweet voice of yours. It seems as though your body remembers everything."

Eren turned his head in every direction, in an attempt to recover his sight from the blindfold. Eventually he got it off and saw his Captain's face, and a new expression he'd never seen before, well that was before he got another flash of memories. He now remembered this face his Captain was wearing, he remembered what he had done to him, what he did to Mikasa and Jean, who he told his relation to Levi to, all that was needed to have all his memories back was to talk to Historia and the Commander. He could remember small bits of his time with Commander Erwin, but it was to fuzzy for him to make out what he would see. However, what Levi was doing to him right now, didn't actually bother him too much. But his eyes have been stinging with a burning heat, then felt something fall down his cheek. The man stopped his assault on his subordinate to check on him, but what he saw before him was beyond what he'd imagine.

" E... Eren, why are you crying?"

The teen sniffed a couple of times before wiping at his eyes, " I don't really kn... know myself S... Sir... I don't know if I'm crying or l... laughing..."

The thought of him laughing made the man a bit unsettled, but he dropped his face closer to his lovers, and kissed his forehead like a mother would to console her child. He cupped Eren's face and wiped away his tears gently, then embraced him tightly, just like he had when they were at the mansion the night before. He could feel Eren's trembling hands hold onto his back in return and continued to shed his tears. They had remained like this for some time before Levi got off the bed when Eren had stopped crying, he walked over to his closet and pulled out two pairs of night attire. He gave Eren one of them along with a small suggestive smile and walked over to his closet again, he stood facing it and started to change. The teen sat there on the bed and watched and immediately felt the blood rush to his face, he averted his gaze, stood up, and turned facing the window that sat behind the bed. He started to take off his shirt and switch it for the night shirt Levi had given him, when he had it on, a faint aroma drifted to his nose from the clothing. ' It smells just like him. ' His eyes narrowed and a lighter shade of pink dusted on his cheeks.

" You done changing over there?" A crisp and sharp voice cut through the air.

" J... Just give me a second."

Eren quickly changed the rest of his clothes and gave his Captain confirmation that he was done changing. Levi walked over to the bed, uncovered the covers, laid down within the warmth of them, and motioned for Eren to come closer to the bed. The teen did so and was shocked when the man had grabbed his wrist and pulled him onto the bed. Both of them were laughing and chuckling for a while, they had a couple jokes, and eventually came across the topic about how each others mothers were like.

" So what was you mother like, Eren?"

Eren had to stop and think about the times he had spent with his mother before she died, but he couldn't think of a time where he was playing with her or he was with her for very long. He would always argue with her, run away, curse her name behind her back sometimes, and not once had he listened to her warnings about fighting with the other kids. However, he had remembered the fact that she had helped him play the violin when he was little, she even taught Mikasa how to sing a few songs, and he eventually picked up on them since his sister loved to hum them all the time.

" Well, believe it or not but I didn't really stay to close with her, but she did teach me how to play the violin a bit but for the most part I self taught myself. Sometimes before Mikasa and I went to bed she'd sing to us, if you want to hear most of them you'll have to ask her."

" I never knew that you could play the violin, it was a first for me at the dance we had. Do you know of any songs that might've lingered in your head from when your mother sang to you?"

Eren looked over to his Captain and saw that he had averted his gaze, but he could still see the faint hint of pink covering his cheeks in the moon's lustrous glow. He smiled to himself and said, " I know one."

The man looked back over and saw the teen's brilliant minty emerald green eyes shine in the moonlight, he was lured to him. He loved him too much, he couldn't bare to keep his distance any longer, and he could hardly imagine his life without him.

" Could you sing it to me?" Levi asked softly, trying to hide his embarrassment.

Eren chuckled and nodded, clearing his throat he began to sing.

" I know you're falling apart,

But I won't sit and watch. I will take part.

Won't let you shatter in pieces. Falling apart in my arms.

I'll make a million mistakes,

I'll do whatever it takes.

Just don't run away,

I know you'll do it anyway.

I don't regret trying,

Even though,

I feel like dying.

At least I won't fail,

I just didn't succeed. "

AN: Alrighty, so Levi stopped himself from hurting Eren even more, but he can't hold himself back any longer. At this point he's only holding back for Eren's sake, anyway I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I will see you guys in the next one!!!


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