Chapter Thirty-Three: Way to go Eren

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The teenager known as "Humanity's Last Hope" has been given unending torment and torture by his Commander for only a day, when it seemed like months. He's been trying to find a way out ever since he got stuck in the cell Erwin put him in, but with the chains on him and now with his eyesight gone for who knows how long, his promise to the Captain seemed impossible to keep. However, he has been keeping track of the time intervals when Erwin leaves and when he returns, and so far they've been consistent. Meaning that maybe he could use this information to escape, but then there would only be one problem, the chains. Then again he could slip the keys away from the man after he unlocks his chains when it was time for the real "fun" to begin, and even though the teen didn't have his sight he would always listen carefully for the jingling of the keys. So he had a pretty vague idea on where the keys were.

Eren heard the door to his cell open and the strong intimidating strides the man would make as he walked towards the teenager. The sounds that followed were of the Commander removing his jacket, tossing it aside, and him sitting down onto the bed. The creaks from the bed gave off from how old the wood was, but it caused Eren to shudder a bit from the memories of the events that occurred on that very bed. Then he heard them, the jingling of the keys, he knew for sure where they were and where the man put them was exactly where he took them out. ' Left breast pocket.' All he had to do now was follow the sound of the keys when the man before him takes off his shirt for him to "play" with him. For now he had to act like the scared, submissive bitch. Which wouldn't be too difficult to do since this side of Eren was indeed afraid of this man.

" Well now, you're certainly more relaxed than yesterday. I'm sorry but I just couldn't help myself when it came to your eyes, I just had to have them. Oh I know, how about I give one of your eyes to Levi as a gift from the both of us?" The Commander started to laugh like a maniac.

Eren shuddered from that thought but he forced himself to try and move closer to the man before the chains pulled him back. The action caused the teen to whimper from the pain of the chains, eventually he grit his teeth when he felt something dig into his flesh and heard Erwin chuckle aloud.

" Don't worry, I'll unlock them. That's if you can get me into the mood."

Eren hadn't dared to speak after he lost his eyes, but he needed those chains off of him. So he decided to open his mouth and speak, like the obedient pet he was to the man.

" Erwin... when you take these chains off could you keep them off? They're too painful, please Erwin?"

" Looks like you can still speak, that's good I was starting to worry. Like I said, if you can get me in the mood then I'll take them off, and just hearing you speak got me a little excited."

Eren looked at his Commander with a pleading look, or at least tried, and tried to embrace the man before him. The man chuckled and came close to him, allowing Eren to hold onto him. Eren lay his head on the man's neck and started to kiss and lick it, eventually he bit into Erwin's flesh with the vigorous intent to kill. Except he heard words he never wanted to hear.

" I always knew you were like those monsters outside the walls." Erwin winced from the pain of his subordinate's bite, " By all means devour me, Eren."

The Titan Shifter took this opportunity to do so. He was only doing this so he could make enough noise to grab the keys without the Commander knowing about it, and once he had them he retracted himself from the man. His mouth tasted of iron but he didn't care about it at the moment, what he was concerned about was that he had taken a risk in doing that. He heard Erwin coming closer to him but Eren only had one thought in his head. ' If I kill him here then Levi and I will be free from this wretched man. All I have to do is kill him.' Right when he was about to do so he thought about what might come of it, what would happen to him and his Captain if he killed the Commander of the Survey Corps. He couldn't do it, instead he defaulted to knocking the man unconscious once he was close enough.

Eren heard the man fall off the bed and onto the floor so he started to unlock his chains. It took a while to find the keyholes without his eyesight, but he managed to get them off. Getting out of the cell and finding the exit was going to be difficult to do, but he figured that if he called out from behind the doors he'd come across that maybe someone would be able to help him. First he went in the direction that Erwin would come through before his cell door, and as a result he had found a set of stairs. Of course almost tripping over them would be more accurate. Eren put a hand on the wall and started running up the stairs and when his hand had touched the siding of a door he stopped running. He tried the handle after finding it but it was locked, so he tried all the keys he had taken from the Commander, eventually finding the right key and opening the door.

The teen had lost his sense of time as for he had no clue as to how long he had been running down the hallways with one hand on the wall. He kept calling out for anyone who would hear his cries but so far no one has responded. All of a sudden Eren had tripped over something and fell to the floor, he got up but he didn't stand. He simply sat on the cold flooring with his back against the wall and brought his legs close to him. He stayed there until he fell asleep, or he thought he fell asleep.

" This is a pain in my ass having no vision, way to go Eren." Was the last thing he said before switching places with the real Eren.

AN: I had to finish this so here it is, not Erwin Ik but it was the only one I had with Eren biting the Commander and Eren's not wearing a blindfold either IK, so what am I gonna do? Anyway, hope you liked this chapter and I'll see you in the next one!!!


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