Chapter Seventeen: I did that?

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When the memories stopped flowing before him, Eren had fallen backwards from where he was but caught himself before his back hit the floor. His breathing was rapid again and his coughing was way worse than usual, ' Shit, I forgot to take my pills. ' The suffering teen covered his mouth best he could to make sure the man in front of him couldn't see, but he watched him draw near him and tried to back away. That was before he saw that Levi held out his hand with small white tablets on it. Eren took the pills from his hand in a way that seemed like he was desperate enough to trust him so easily. Eren stared at the pills with caution and inspected them thoroughly, and smirked.

" Nice try. I've noticed that my senses are a whole lot sharper than usual, so I asked Hanji to let me "inspect" the different pills and medications for if something like this happened." Eren started coughing violently after he finished his statement, blood spewing out from his mouth.

Levi wore a worried expression as he heard Eren speak so coldly to him, " Eren these are your pills, the bottle they're being kept in was filled with something else." The man pulled out the bottle he was referring to, " I had asked of Julia to give me a second bottle and I noticed the bottle was different, so I had asked her about it and that's what she told me."

Eren gave him a quick glance and saw the expression on his face, ' He's really worried about me, isn't he? ' Eren looked back at the pills in his hand and looked at them again. They were indeed his medication, the inscription showed it. ' Did the lighting affect my sight? ' Eren took the pills into his mouth and swallowed hard.

" Sorry about that, I guess my mind's still not willing to accept what you had just told me."

" Speaking of which, did what I said bring you any memories?" Levi asked.

Eren looked down and nodded his head slightly and slowly, " Yes."

" How many?"

Eren gripped onto his hair with his head still starring at the floor and spoke with clenched teeth, " ... All of it..." He sat there on the floor with a small headache, heart pounding, lungs grasping for air, and eyes stinging from the tears he was trying to hold back. Eventually he couldn't keep his emotions behind the wall he had built and let them break through. Levi watched him sulk to himself, stood up, walked over to the teen, and crouched in front of him. Eren was about to look up before Levi had pulled him into yet another embrace, this time, Eren was on the receiving end of the embrace. The action only made him shed more tears than he was allowing himself to, causing Levi to hold him even tighter.

" Did I really do it? Did I really do those things to Jean and Mikasa?" Eren asked in between sobs.

" Mikasa has told me her story so I'm afraid that you did, but just know that it's not your fault. It was min-"

" No! It is my fault! It was all me! I saw it Levi, I.... I saw it.... the memory...." Eren argued, it wasn't anyone's fault and he knew that, so the only person he could blame was himself.

Levi had sat down onto his legs, still holding Eren tightly, and thought to himself because this scenario reminded him of something like this in his life. Isabelle and Farlan. ' I remember them everyday, and I still blame myself for their deaths.' The thought of them always brought distasteful memories, but with Eren thinking that everything he had just regained was his fault was enough for the man to hold him like this. He wanted to help erase those terrible memories and make new ones with the love of his life, his only love. The man hushed him and cooed like he were a mother consoling her child.

" Its not your fault, it's not trust me. Everything you saw was a result of what I've done to you. You're not to blame."

Eren wasn't accepting the man's words, he grit his teeth and shook his head violently. It wasn't that he didn't trust Levi's words, but more that he didn't know what had really happened. The memories are there and they felt and looked real, but it wasn't enough for him to accept them. He needed answers, he wanted to ask Jean, Mikasa, Historia... even Commander Erwin, about what he had done and what they had done. If they were willing to answer him and their stories were what Captain Levi had told him, then he'd have no choice but to accept the reality of it. Without a second thought, Eren pushed himself away from Levi and rushed for the door after he stood up. He ran as fast as he could out of the building and back to the base, leaving his Captain without a word.

Levi was surprised and hurt when Eren pushed him away, he waited for a tear he planned to wipe away but nothing fell down his cheek. ' Do I not care if he did that or is it the old me again? I just hope he accepts it, what he did, and what I did to him. ' Levi looked out the window and saw that it was dawn, ' Shit, Erwin's gonna be worse today since I left tonight. ' Levi had recalled that Erwin had told him that he had to report to his room for his "training", but he didn't care. He was only concerned about Eren at the moment, so he didn't care what would become of his body when Erwin found him.

Eren was still running, even inside the base, but came to a stop when he reached a door to a familiar room. He stepped inside the room and yet again he had gotten more memories from a past a short few days ago, the memories this time were of him putting something under a loose board and leaving again. After the vision ended, Eren walked over to the board he had saw and pried it off. What lay inside were a bundle of nice clothes tied together with the key to the basement of his house. He got another small flash of images when he looked at the clothes he pulled out from the hole in the floor, the clothes he held was a suit he had borrowed from Levi for the dance they had after the fall of the Female Titan. He couldn't help himself but he smiled ruefully.

AN: Ok, so one of my friends is hooked on this cuz they are up to date on the first story and on here so I had to put another update on here. Idk if this chapter will make any sense or not but here it is, yes Ik, lots of hugging and crying XD Anyway, hope you enjoyed!!!


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