Chapter Thirty-One: I love your eyes

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Eren stoop up and walked back to the Commander, snuggling against the man. His Captain watched the display but he wasn't affected as he saw any actions taken by the teen as a way to free his lover from his Commanding officer. Erwin planted a kiss on top on the teen's head and let go of him, walking up to Levi with his hands curled into fists. He crouched down in front of him and showed his signature smile of victory.

" If you want, you could be a part of this game as well. I quite enjoyed myself with your body while you were the obedient pet."

" Go to hell!" Levi spat in anger, receiving a kick to the face.

The raven lay there in the snow allowing blood to run through his nose and mouth as the kicks kept coming at him, and as this was happening he heard the man known as the Commander of the Scouting Regiment laugh as he was enjoying the ordeal. Before the enervated man's vision went dark, he caught a glimpse of Eren's expression. He didn't know if his personality had returned to normal or it was still the other side of him, but Levi didn't want Eren to to see him in this state. That's when he blacked out.

· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·

When Levi woke up he found himself in the infirmary with a needle in his arm, the liquid going into his body was someone else's blood. The thought of where the blood had come from was enough to make him hurl into a bucket that was close by his bed. His head was fuzzy and only fragments of the events that happened only a few hours ago appeared in his thoughts. All he could remember was Eren's frightened expression before he blacked out. The man covered his face with the inner part of his elbow but he could hear a loud ruckus off in the distance, and when he took a small peak he saw Eren's friends around his bed. He removed his arm from his face and sat up slowly, he was given help on sitting up from Historia. Everyone around his bed looked down at the floor until Historia spoke.

" Levi, we just want you to know that Eren cares for you greatly. He cared about us all, but we all took it for granted. I know how he's feeling, trust me, I've been there. I just don't want him to suffer anymore than he already has."

Levi kept his gaze on the girl the entire time she spoke, and when she finished he gently laid his hand atop of one of her's. Everyone's gaze shifted over to Armin when he decided to speak.

" Sir, we are all to blame. However, I feel as though I should be the one carrying most of the burden. It was me who told Eren that he should've ran, I only thought that if he had run away from the time being than things would settle down inside the walls. It's fault." Armin bowed his head as he apologized, " I'm sorry, Sir."

The man didn't want anyone's apology, he just wanted reassurance. Reassurance that the love of his life would stay by his side, that he would be there for him every step of the way. He continued to stare at his open hand on his lap when he spoke.

" None of you did anything wrong... Nothing....."

Jean decided to speak as well, " Sir, we weren't there for Eren in his times of need. He's been there for all of us but we didn't repay him at all. We should have just treated him the same as we have been, but now that he did that.... I don't think we'll ever get a second chance..."

Something snapped inside of the torn raven making him shout his deepest regrets, " Don't you get it?! It's all my fault! If only I had taken a different approach to Eren's confession then things wouldn't be like this! If only I hadn't allowed the loss of my squad to overcome me then Eren wouldn't be like this!" He took in a hissing breath and blamed himself one last time, " IT'S ALL MY FAULT!!!"

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Eren didn't know that every attempt he made to smoothly escape the Commander was actually making him play right into the man's hands. In only a few hours he had been chained by the neck and wrists, being beaten all the while. Though the torture pained him it was too over bearing in pleasure, so he had to thank Levi for that. If he didn't find pleasure in the pain then he would surely have died an hour ago, Erwin had cut open his stomach and messed with his internal injuries in that hour. He was still reviving from it but he had no idea how he was going to save the real Eren within the body he was in control of. He thought about transforming but the true Eren's desire to do so was diminished, so he was at a dead end. He heard the cell door open and watched Erwin walk in with a new pair of gloves.

" Ahhh... I love those eyes of yours, never diminished from the hatred you feel. I can't wait to take them for myself in just a few minutes. Hahaha!" The man had gone insane.

Eren could feel the dreadful fear from the real Eren, and he too feared the pain and graphic images of this man taking his sight. He tried to shake his way out of the chains holding him even though he knew it wouldn't do him any good.

" Goodness, before you weren't afraid of my cruelty but now all of a sudden you are? Interesting... Well, shall we get started? It's best if we get it done and over with as soon as possible, am I wrong?"

" N... No! Please! Don't don't do th- AHHHHHHH!!!!!"

The next thing the petrified teen felt was the indescribable pain and torment of something digging into his eye socket, making his vision turn a deep red.

AN: Welp, I feel really bad for Eren right now. What have I done? Well I do have an idea for how this sequel will end, so that's something. Another thing, and I'm still not sure but, I might or might not continue with this series, but I might! Still trying to decide, because at first I had wanted to include all the seasons from the anime, since Season three had come out this past fall. But now I'm debating on whether I should do so or not. We'll see. I hope you enjoyed this Chapter and I'll see you in the next one!!!


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